Galindo Francisco, María Del Carmen

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First Name
María Del Carmen
Last Name
Galindo Francisco
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Geológicas
Mineralogía y Petrología
Petrología y Geoquímica
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    El metamorfismo en la Cuenca de los Cameros. Geocronología e implicaciones tectónicas
    (Geogaceta, 1992) Casquet Martín, César; Galindo Francisco, María Del Carmen; González Casado, José Manuel; Alonso Millán, Ángela
    A case of hydrothermal metamorphism is described from the Cameros Basin along the rio Cidacos transect. The highest grade is reached at the base of the Urbión Group, a fluvial sequence Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous in age (Weald facies). Physical conditions at the thermal peak are estimated at abo 1 Kb (PL) and 326± 13°C (i.e. very low grade metamorphism). Fluids were largely water brines with minor amounts of gases, CO2 and CH4• f02 and f52 were close to the graphite and Po-Py buffers respectively. This metamorphism is spatially associated with a deformation band (5-6 km. ín wídth) wíth schístosíty ín the pelitíc beds and promínent tensíonal, quartz ínfílled veíns in the more samítíc ones. K-Ar dating on authígeníc illites has gíven ages from 108 to 86 M.a., i.e. Míddle Cretaceous, and thus younger than the basín fílling (Urbíón Group+Enciso F.+Olívan F.). Metamorphism migth be related wíth the circulatíon of hot mígratory fluíds (i.e. tectoníc brínes), along the deformation bando The tectonic sígníficance of this deformation band is slill uncertain.
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    Datación por el método Sm-Nd del filón con F-Ba (Pb-Zn) de la mina San Eusebio (Sierra de Guadarrama, España)
    (Geogaceta, 1993) Galindo Francisco, María Del Carmen; Darbishyre, D.P.F.; Tornos Arroyo, Fernando; Casquet Martín, César
    Sm-Nd dating of F-Ba (Pb-Zn) veins enclosed in adamellites of the Spanish Central System suggests an age of 752±25 M.a. (Late jurassic) for this hydrothermal stage. This age supports an unconformity-related origin for this style of mineralization and excludes any genetic relationship with a magmaticrelated hydrothermal activity related to the enclosing granites. It is consistent with K-Ar and Rb-Sr dating of other hydrothermal events in the Sierra de Guadarrama and strengthens the hypothesis that the late and posthercynian hydrothermal activity covers a long span of time.
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    Neoproterozoic A-type magmatism in the Western Sierras Pampeanas (Argentina): evidence for Rodinia break-up along a proto-Iapetus rift?
    (Terra nova, 2006) Baldo, Edgardo G.; Casquet Martín, César; Pankhurst, R.J.; Galindo Francisco, María Del Carmen; Rapela, Carlos W.; Fanning, C.M.; Dahlquist, Juan A.; Murra, Juan Alberto
    A-type orthogneisses of mid Neoproterozoic age (774 ± 6 Ma, U-Pb SHRIMP zircon age), are reported for the first time from the Grenvillian basement of the Western Sierras Pampeanas in Argentina. These anorogenic meta-igneous rocks represent the latest event of Rodinia break-up so far recognized in Grenvillian basement exposures across Andean South America. Moreover, they compare well with A-type granitoids and volcanic rocks along the Appalachian margin of Laurentia (Blue Ridge), thus adding to former evidence that the Western Sierras Pampeanas Grenvillian basement was left on the conjugate rifted margin of eastern Laurentia during Rodinia break-up and the consequent opening of the Iapetus ocean.
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    The A-Type event in the eastern Sierras Pampeanas, La Rioja and Catamarca Provinces (Argentina): geochronological and isotopic considerations
    (Libro de resúmenes: Geosur 2007. Un congreso sobre geología y geofísica del Hemisferio Sur, Santiago de Chile, 18 al 20 de noviembre de 2007., 2007) Dahlquist, Juan A.; Alasino, Pablo H.; Galindo Francisco, María Del Carmen; Casquet Martín, César; Grant, C.; Medina, C.; Demant, A.; Hervé, F.; Menichetti, M.; Tassone, A.
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    Deformed carbonatite-syenite complex in the Western Sierras Pampeanas of Argentina: U-Pb shrimp zircon age and isotope (Nd, Sr) constraints.
    (2008) Casquet Martín, César; Pankhurst, R.J.; Galindo Francisco, María Del Carmen; Rapela, Carlos W.; Fanning, C.M.; Baldo, Edgardo G.; Dahlquist, Juan A.; González Casado, José Manuel; Colombo, F.
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    Isotope (Sr, C) and U–Pb SHRIMP zircon geochronology of marble-bearing sedimentary series in the Eastern Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina. Constraining the SW Gondwana margin in Ediacaran to early Cambrian times
    (Precambrian Research, 2016) Murra, Juan A.; Casquet Martín, César; Locati, Francisco; Galindo Francisco, María Del Carmen; Baldo, Edgardo G.; Pankhurst, Robert J.; Rapela, Carlos W.
    The Sierras de Córdoba Metasedimentary Series consists of marbles and metasiliciclastic rocks of Ediacaran to early Cambrian age (ca. 630 and 540 Ma) that underwent high-grade metamorphism during the collisional Pampean orogeny in the early Cambrian. The ages of the marbles were determined from the Sr-isotope composition (blind dating) of screened samples of almost pure calcite marble and were further constrained with C- and O-isotope data and U–Pb SHRIMP detrital zircon ages of an interbedded paragneiss. Two groups of samples are recognised with Sr-isotope composition ca. 0.7075 and 0.7085 that are considered stratigraphically significant. The first is inferred early Ediacaran, the second late Ediacaran to early Cambrian. The Sierras de Córdoba Metasedimentary Series is correlated for the first time with marble-bearing metasedimentary series in several sierras to the west and north of Sierras de Córdoba (e.g., the Difunta Correa Sedimentary Sequence and the Ancaján Series), implying that all were probably parts of an originally extensive sedimentary cover. These series bear evidence of sedimentary sources in the Mesoproterozoic (and Paleoproterozoic) basement of the Western Sierras Pampeanas (part of the large MARA continental block) and farther west (Laurentia?). In terms of the age of limestones/marbles and detrital zircon patterns, the Sierras de Córdoba Metasedimentary Series differs strongly from the older section of late Ediacaran to early Cambrian Puncoviscana Formation of northwestern Argentina, which mostly outcrops in northern Sierra Chica and Sierra Norte, with sedimentary input from western Gondwana sources. The Sierras de Córdoba Metasedimentary Series and the Puncoviscana Formation were probably juxtaposed during the Pampean orogeny along a complex suture zone that was further folded and/or imbricated at mid-crustal depths. The peak of metamorphism was attained at 527 ± 2 Ma. According to the evidence found here most of the Sierras Pampeanas to the west of the Sierras de Córdoba were part of the lower colliding plate during the final amalgamation of SW Gondwana.
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    A Cambrian mixed carbonate–siliciclastic platform in SW Gondwana: evidence from the Western Sierras Pampeanas (Argentina) and implications for the early Paleozoic paleogeography of the proto-Andean margin
    (International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2018) Ramacciotti, Carlos; Casquet Martín, César; Baldo, Edgardo G.; Galindo Francisco, María Del Carmen; Pankhurst, Robert J.; Verdecchia, Sebastián Osvaldo; Rapela, Carlos W.; Fanning, C.M.
    The Western Sierras Pampeanas (WSP) of Argentina record a protracted geological history from the Mesoproterozoic assembly of the Rodinia supercontinent to the early Paleozoic tectonic evolution of SW Gondwana. Two well-known orogenies took place at the proto-Andean margin of Gondwana in the Cambrian and the Ordovician, i.e., the Pampean (545–520 Ma) and Famatinian (490–440 Ma) orogenies, respectively. Between them, an extensive continental platform was developed, where mixed carbonate–siliciclastic sedimentation occurred. This platform was later involved in the Famatinian orogeny when it underwent penetrative deformation and metamorphism. The platform apparently extended from Patagonia to northwestern Argentina and the Eastern Sierras Pampeanas, and has probable equivalents in SW Africa, Peru, and Bolivia. The WSP record the outer (deepest) part of the platform, where carbonates were deposited in addition to siliciclastic sediments. Detrital zircon U–Pb SHRIMP ages from clastic metasedimentary successions and Sr-isotope compositions of marbles from the WSP suggest depositional ages between ca. 525 and 490 Ma. The detrital zircon age patterns further suggest that clastic sedimentation took place in two stages. The first was sourced mainly from re-working of the underlying Neoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks and the uplifted core of the early Cambrian Pampean orogen, without input from the Paleoproterozoic Río de la Plata craton. Sediments of the second stage resulted from the erosion of the still emerged Pampean belt and the Neoproterozoic Brasiliano orogen in the NE with some contribution from the Río de la Plata craton. An important conclusion is that the WSP basement was already part of SW Gondwana in the early Cambrian, and not part of the exotic Precordillera/Cuyania terrane, as was previously thought.
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    The Arequipa Massif of Peru: New SHRIMP and isotope constraints on a Paleoproterozoic inlier in the Grenvillian orogen
    (Journal of South American earth sciences, 2010) Casquet Martín, César; Fanning, C.M.; Galindo Francisco, María Del Carmen; Pankhurst, R.J.; Rapela, Carlos W.; Torres , P.
    The enigmatic Arequipa Massif of southwestern Peru is an outcrop of Andean basement that underwent Grenville-age metamorphism, and as such it is important for the better constraint of Laurentia–Amazonia ties in Rodinia reconstruction models. U–Pb SHRIMP zircon dating has yielded new evidence on the evolution of the Massif between Middle Paleoproterozoic and Early Paleozoic. The oldest rock-forming events occurred in major orogenic events between ca. 1.79 and 2.1 Ga (Orosirian to Rhyacian), involving early magmatism (1.89–2.1 Ga, presumably emplaced through partly Archaean continental crust), sedimentation of a thick sequence of terrigenous sediments, UHT metamorphism at ca. 1.87 Ga, and late felsic magmatism at ca. 1.79 Ga. The Atico sedimentary basin developed in the Late-Mesoproterozoic and detrital zircons were fed from a source area similar to the high-grade Paleoproterozoic basement, but also from an unknown source that provided Mesoproterozoic zircons of 1200–1600 Ma. The Grenville-age metamorphism was of low-P type; it both reworked the Paleoproterozoic rocks and also affected the Atico sedimentary rocks. Metamorphism was diachronous: ca. 1040 Ma in the Quilca and Camaná areas and in the San Juán Marcona domain, 940 ± 6 Ma in the Mollendo area, and between 1000 and 850 Ma in the Atico domain. These metamorphic domains are probably tectonically juxtaposed. Comparison with coeval Grenvillian processes in Laurentia and in southern Amazonia raises the possibility that Grenvillian metamorphism in the Arequipa Massif resulted from extension and not from collision. The Arequipa Massif experienced Ordovician–Silurian magmatism at ca. 465 Ma, including anorthosites formerly considered to be Grenvillian, and high-T metamorphism deep within the magmatic arc. Focused retrogression along shear zones or unconformities took place between 430 and 440 Ma.
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    Review of the Cambrian Pampean orogeny of Argentina; a displaced orogen formerly attached to the Saldania Belt of South Africa?
    (Earth-Science Reviews, 2018) Casquet Martín, César; Dahlquist, Juan Andrés; Verdecchia, Sebastián Osvaldo; Baldo, Edgardo; Rapela, Carlos W.; Galindo Francisco, María Del Carmen; Pankhurst, R.J.; Morales, Matias M.; Murra, Juan Alberto; Fanning, C.M.
    The Pampean orogeny of northern Argentina resulted from Early Cambrian oblique collision of the Paleoproterozoic-Mesoproterozoic MARA block, formerly attached to Laurentia, with the Gondwanan Kalahari and Rio de la Plata cratons. The orogen is partially preserved because it is bounded by the younger Córdoba Fault on the east and by the Los Túneles-Guacha Corral Ordovician shear zone on the west. In this review we correlate the Pampean Belt with the Saldania orogenic belt of South Africa and argue that both formed at an active continental margin fed with sediments coming mainly from the erosion of the Brasiliano–Pan-African and East African–Antarctica orogens between ca. 570 and 537 Ma (Puncoviscana Formation) and between 557 and 552 Ma (Malmesbury Group) respectively. Magmatic arcs (I-type and S-type granitoids) formed at the margin between ca. 552 and 530 Ma. Further right-lateral oblique collision of MARA between ca. 530 and 520 Ma produced a westward verging thickened belt. This involved an upper plate with high P/T metamorphism and a lower plate with high-grade intermediate to high P/T metamorphism probably resulting from crustal delamination or root foundering. The Neoproterozoic to Early Cambrian sedimentary cover of MARA that was part of the lower plate is only recognized in the high-grade domain along with a dismembered mafic–ultramafic ophiolite probably obducted in the early stages of collision. Uplift was fast in the upper plate and slower in the lower plate. Eventually the Saldania and Pampean belts detached from each other along the right-lateral Córdoba Fault, juxtaposing the Rio de la Plata craton against the internal high-grade zone of the Pampean belt.
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    Las Orogénesis del Paleozoico Inferior en el margen proto-andino de América del Sur, Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina
    (Journal of iberian geology, 2001) Rapela, Carlos W.; Casquet Martín, César; Baldo, Edgardo G.; Dahlquist, Juan A.; Pankhurst, R.J.; Galindo Francisco, María Del Carmen; Saavedra, Julio
    El margen proto-andino de Gondwana ha sido el escenario de al menos dos orogénesis desde el desmembramiento del supercontinente Rodinia al final del Neoprotrozoico, hasta el reagrupamiento de las masas continentales en Pangea al final del Carbonifero. Ambas orogénesis van precedidas de un periodo de apertura oceánica y sedimentación en márgenes pasivos y culminan en subducción oceánica con desarrollo de arcos-magmáticos de tipo cordillerano y colision de tipo continente-continente. La primera, orogénesis Pampeana, tiene lugar en el Cámbrico, en un intervalo de tiempo relativamente pequeño (535-520 Ma: etapas de subducción-arco magmático y colisión), y culmina con la acreción ortogonal de un pequeño terreno continental (terreno Pampeano) de naturaleza semiautóctona. Por el contrario, la orogénesis Famatiniana, tiene lugar en un periodo de tiempo más dilatado, durante el Ordovícico y Silúrico (499-435 Ma). Durante esta orogénesis tuvo lugar la acreción de un terreno exótico a Gondwana, el terreno Precordillera (460 Ma). Este terreno está constituido por un basamento grenvilliano (aprox. 1.1Ga) y una cubierta sedimentaria de plataforma carbonatada de edad Cámbrico-Ordovícico. La acreción al margen de Gondwana fue probablemente oblicua, y el margen oriental del terreno Precordillera fue afectado por fuerte deformación y metamorfismo regional. El basamento de los cinturones andinos del Paleozoico Superior y Mesozoico situados al oeste de la Precordillera, parece estar constituido también por rocas metamórficas grenvillianas; con lo cual, gran parte de los Andes centrales entre los 26ºS y 34ºS se encuentra asentado sobre terrenos alóctonos. En cualquier caso, la paleogeografía de las masas continentales involucradas en la colisión de los terrenos exóticos durante el Paleozoico Inferior no se conoce bien todavía.