Galindo Francisco, María Del Carmen

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First Name
María Del Carmen
Last Name
Galindo Francisco
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Geológicas
Mineralogía y Petrología
Petrología y Geoquímica
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    Neoproterozoic A-type magmatism in the Western Sierras Pampeanas (Argentina): evidence for Rodinia break-up along a proto-Iapetus rift?
    (Terra nova, 2006) Baldo, Edgardo G.; Casquet Martín, César; Pankhurst, R.J.; Galindo Francisco, María Del Carmen; Rapela, Carlos W.; Fanning, C.M.; Dahlquist, Juan A.; Murra, Juan Alberto
    A-type orthogneisses of mid Neoproterozoic age (774 ± 6 Ma, U-Pb SHRIMP zircon age), are reported for the first time from the Grenvillian basement of the Western Sierras Pampeanas in Argentina. These anorogenic meta-igneous rocks represent the latest event of Rodinia break-up so far recognized in Grenvillian basement exposures across Andean South America. Moreover, they compare well with A-type granitoids and volcanic rocks along the Appalachian margin of Laurentia (Blue Ridge), thus adding to former evidence that the Western Sierras Pampeanas Grenvillian basement was left on the conjugate rifted margin of eastern Laurentia during Rodinia break-up and the consequent opening of the Iapetus ocean.
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    The A-Type event in the eastern Sierras Pampeanas, La Rioja and Catamarca Provinces (Argentina): geochronological and isotopic considerations
    (Libro de resúmenes: Geosur 2007. Un congreso sobre geología y geofísica del Hemisferio Sur, Santiago de Chile, 18 al 20 de noviembre de 2007., 2007) Dahlquist, Juan A.; Alasino, Pablo H.; Galindo Francisco, María Del Carmen; Casquet Martín, César; Grant, C.; Medina, C.; Demant, A.; Hervé, F.; Menichetti, M.; Tassone, A.
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    Deformed carbonatite-syenite complex in the Western Sierras Pampeanas of Argentina: U-Pb shrimp zircon age and isotope (Nd, Sr) constraints.
    (2008) Casquet Martín, César; Pankhurst, R.J.; Galindo Francisco, María Del Carmen; Rapela, Carlos W.; Fanning, C.M.; Baldo, Edgardo G.; Dahlquist, Juan A.; González Casado, José Manuel; Colombo, F.
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    Las Orogénesis del Paleozoico Inferior en el margen proto-andino de América del Sur, Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina
    (Journal of iberian geology, 2001) Rapela, Carlos W.; Casquet Martín, César; Baldo, Edgardo G.; Dahlquist, Juan A.; Pankhurst, R.J.; Galindo Francisco, María Del Carmen; Saavedra, Julio
    El margen proto-andino de Gondwana ha sido el escenario de al menos dos orogénesis desde el desmembramiento del supercontinente Rodinia al final del Neoprotrozoico, hasta el reagrupamiento de las masas continentales en Pangea al final del Carbonifero. Ambas orogénesis van precedidas de un periodo de apertura oceánica y sedimentación en márgenes pasivos y culminan en subducción oceánica con desarrollo de arcos-magmáticos de tipo cordillerano y colision de tipo continente-continente. La primera, orogénesis Pampeana, tiene lugar en el Cámbrico, en un intervalo de tiempo relativamente pequeño (535-520 Ma: etapas de subducción-arco magmático y colisión), y culmina con la acreción ortogonal de un pequeño terreno continental (terreno Pampeano) de naturaleza semiautóctona. Por el contrario, la orogénesis Famatiniana, tiene lugar en un periodo de tiempo más dilatado, durante el Ordovícico y Silúrico (499-435 Ma). Durante esta orogénesis tuvo lugar la acreción de un terreno exótico a Gondwana, el terreno Precordillera (460 Ma). Este terreno está constituido por un basamento grenvilliano (aprox. 1.1Ga) y una cubierta sedimentaria de plataforma carbonatada de edad Cámbrico-Ordovícico. La acreción al margen de Gondwana fue probablemente oblicua, y el margen oriental del terreno Precordillera fue afectado por fuerte deformación y metamorfismo regional. El basamento de los cinturones andinos del Paleozoico Superior y Mesozoico situados al oeste de la Precordillera, parece estar constituido también por rocas metamórficas grenvillianas; con lo cual, gran parte de los Andes centrales entre los 26ºS y 34ºS se encuentra asentado sobre terrenos alóctonos. En cualquier caso, la paleogeografía de las masas continentales involucradas en la colisión de los terrenos exóticos durante el Paleozoico Inferior no se conoce bien todavía.
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    Hf and Nd isotopes in Early Ordovician to Early Carboniferous granites as monitors of crustal growth in the Proto-Andean margin of Gondwana
    (Gondwana research, 2013) Dahlquist, Juan A.; Pankhurst, R.J.; Gaschnig, Richard M.; Pankhurst, R.J.; Rapela, Carlos W.; Casquet Martín, César; Galindo Francisco, María Del Carmen; Alasino, Pablo H.; Baldo, Edgardo G.
    Wereport the first study integrating in situ U–Pb and Hf isotope data frommagmatic zircon andwhole-rock Sm–Nd isotope data for granitic rocks of the Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina, in order to evaluate the Palaeozoic growth of the proto-Andean margin of Gondwana. Early–Middle Ordovician granitic magmatism is by far the most voluminous of the Sierras Pampeanas and represents the most significant magmatic event. These calc-alkaline granitoids were intruded at an active continental margin. εHft values range from −3.3 to −14.7 and εNdt from −3.3 to −6.3 (t=473 Ma), with average TDM Hf and TDM Nd ranging from 1.5 to 2.2 Ga and 1.4 to 1.7 Ga, respectively. Middle–Late Devonian magmatism occurred in the foreland, away from the orogenic front in the west, and included F-U-REE rich A-type granites. The Achala granite, the largest batholith in the Sierras Pampeanas, has εHft and εNdt values ranging from −3.6 to −5.8 and −4.0 to −6.5, respectively (t=369 Ma). Small scattered Early Carboniferous A-type granite plutons were intruded in a dominantly extensional setting and have εHft and εNdt values ranging from−6.7 to+2.2 and−0.5 to−3.6, respectively (t=341 Ma). The generation of Ordovician and Devonian magmas dominantly involved crustal reworking and stabilization rather than the formation of new continental crust by juvenile material accretion, whereas carboniferous magmatism resulted in part from reworking of supracrustal material, but with variable addition of juvenile magmas.
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    Sr, C and O isotope composition of marbles from the Sierra de Ancasti, Eastern Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina: age and constraints for the Neoproterozoic–Lower Paleozoic evolution of the proto-Gondwana margin
    (Geologica acta, 2011) Murra, Juan Alberto; Baldo, Edgardo G.; Galindo Francisco, María Del Carmen; Casquet Martín, César; Pankhurst, R.J.; Rapela, Carlos W.; Dahlquist, Juan A.
    The Sierra Brava Complex on the eastern flank of the Sierra de Ancasti consists of marbles, metabasites, calc-silicate rocks, psammo-pelitic schists and gneisses. In the central part of this sierra a thick succession of banded schists (Ancasti Formation) crops out. Regional metamorphism of these rocks is attributed to the Famatinian orogeny (Ordovician), metamorphic grade increasing westwards and southwards and culminating in a migmatite complex on the western side of the Sierra. The meta-carbonate rocks are subdivided into a northeastern group (low-grade calcite marbles), and a southeastern group (high-grade calcite and calcite-dolomite marbles). Twenty-three marble samples were analysed for Sr isotope composition and Rb, Mn, Mg and Ca contents, and six for C and O isotope composition. An Ediacaran depositional age of 570 –590Ma is inferred by reference to the trend of 87Sr/86Sr in Neoproterozoic seawater. Thus the metacarbonates are probably slightly older than the Ancasti Formation (equivalent to the Puncoviscana Formation of northern Argentina), which has a maximum sedimentation age of ca. 570Ma. Ediacaran depositional ages have also been reported for metacarbonates elsewhere in Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil. We propose that the Sierra de Ancasti carbonates on one hand, and those in the Western Sierras Pampeanas (Difunta Correa Sequence) and -tentativelythe Corumbá Group of Brazil on the other, represent platforms on opposite margins of the extinct Clymene Ocean, whereas Neoproterozoic carbonate successions such as the Loma Negra Formation (Tandilia, southern Argentina) and the Arroyo del Soldado Group (Uruguay) were deposited on the eastern side (present coordinates) of the Río de la Plata craton, which at the time occupied a position farther to the north.
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    A history of Proterozoic terranes in southern South America: From Rodinia to Gondwana
    (Geoscience frontiers, 2012) Casquet Martín, César; Rapela, Carlos W.; Pankhurst, R.J.; Galindo Francisco, María Del Carmen; Baldo, Edgardo G.; Fanning, C.M.; Dahlquist, Juan A.; Saavedra, Julio
    The role played by Paleoproterozoic cratons in southern South America from the Mesoproterozoic to the Early Cambrian is reconsidered here. This period involved protracted continental amalgamation that led to formation of the supercontinent Rodinia, followed by Neoproterozoic continental break-up, with the consequent opening of Clymene and Iapetus oceans, and finally continental re-assembly as Gondwana through complex oblique collisions in the Late Neoproterozoic to Early Cambrian. The evidence for this is based mainly on a combination of precise U-Pb SHRMP dating and radiogenic isotope data for igneous and metamorphic rocks from a large area extending from the Rio de la Plata craton in the east to the Argentine Precordillera in the west and as far north as Arequipa in Peru. Our interpretation of the paleogeographical and geodynamic evolution invokes a hypothetical Paleoproterozoic block (MARA) embracing basement ultimately older than 1.7 Ga in the Western Sierras
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    Diferencias entre granates de rocas ígneas y metamórficas de edad Famatiniana (Ordovícico), en las Sierras Pampeanas (Argentina)
    (Macla, 2006) Dahlquist, Juan A.; Alasino, Pablo H.; Galindo Francisco, María Del Carmen; Casquet Martín, César
    Los granates metamórficos de los esquistos de la zona de la biotita de la sierra de Chepes son ricos en Mn y tienen composiciones muy parecidas a la de los granates ígneos de diferentes rocas graníticas de edad Famatiniana (Ordovícico) de la misma región. Por tanto, el contenido de Mn, por sí mismo, no es suficiente para discriminar el origen de estos minerales, que pueden presentarse como cristales ígneos o como xenocristales en el granito. Por el contrario, el tipo de zonación del Mn permite distinguir entre ambas situaciones, al menos en el caso de granitoides cristalizados por encima de 700ºC.
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    U–Pb SHRIMP zircon dating of Grenvillian metamorphism in Western Sierras Pampeanas (Argentina): Correlation with the Arequipa-Antofalla craton and constraints on the extent of the Precordillera Terrane
    (Gondwana research, 2006) Casquet Martín, César; Pankhurst, R.J.; Fanning, C.M.; Baldo, Edgardo G.; Galindo Francisco, María Del Carmen; Rapela, Carlos W.; González Casado, José Manuel; Dahlquist, Juan A.
    Metamorphism of Grenvillian age (ca. 1.2 Ga; U–Pb zircon dating) is recognized for the first time in the Western Sierras Pampeanas (Sierra de Maz). Conditions reached granulite facies (ca. 780 °C and ca. 780 MPa). Comparing geochronological and petrological characteristics with other outcrops of Mesoproterozoic basement, particularly in the northern and central Arequipa-Antofalla craton, we suggest that these regions were part of a single continental crustal block from Mesoproterozoic times, and thus autochthonous or parautochthonous to Gondwana.
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    Granitoides peraluminosos con andalucita y cordierita magmáticas en la sierra de Velasco: implicancias para el orógeno famatiniano.
    (Serie D Publicaciones especiales - Asociación Geológica Argentina, 2005) Alasino, Pablo H.; Dahlquist, Juan A.; Galindo Francisco, María Del Carmen; Baldo, Edgardo G.; Casquet Martín, César
    La combinación de estudios petrológicos, geoquímicos y de química mineral en el sector noreste de la sierra de Velasco, a la latitud de la localidad de Santa Vera Cruz, revelan la presencia de una unidad ígnea peraluminosa con andalucita (Si = 3,85, Al = 8,14 y Fe3+ = 0,04) y cordierita (K+Na = 0,33 y XFe = 0,40) magmáticas, la cual es denominada unidad Santa Cruz. La aluminosisad del magma (ISA = 1,30 - 1,42), evidenciada por la presencia de minerales aluminosos como cordierita, andalucita y muscovita y la geoquímica de roca total indican que esta unidad fue derivada de fusión parcial de una secuencia metasedimentaria (esencialmente pelítica) en la corteza superior, que se emplazó en un rango de presión - temperatura de 2 a 2,4 kbar y 670 a 720 ºC. Notablemente, las características geoquímicas de la unidad Santa Cruz sugieren una roca fuente diferente a la establecida para otras unidades peraluminosas del orógeno famatiniano. [ABSTRACT] Peraluminous granitoids with magmatic andalusite and cordierite in the Sierra de Velasco: Implications to the Famatinian Orogen. The combination of petrological, geochemical and mineral/chemical data for the NE sector of the Sierra de Velasco, at the latitud of the Santa Vera Cruz town, reveal the presence of peraluminous igneous unit with magmatic andalusite and cordierite, which has been named Santa Cruz unit. The aluminous of magma (ASI = 1.30 - 1.42), evident by the presence of aluminous minerals such as cordierite, andalusite and muscovite and the whole-rock geochemical, principally indicate that this unit was derived of the partial melting of a metasedimentary secuency (mainly pelitic) in the upper crustal, which was emplaced a pression - temperature range of 2 to 2.4 kb and 670 to 720 ºC. Remarkably, the geochemical characteristics of Santa Cruz unit suggest a different source rock than other peraluminous units founded in the Famatinian Orogen.