El cristianismo en Nayran durante los primeros siglos de la Era Común. Estudio descriptivo-analítico
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
La elección del interesante tema del cristianismo en Naŷrān durante los primeros siglos de esta religión como objeto de investigación es el resultado de un largo estudio sobre las publicaciones de su historia antigua y contemporánea al respecto. Se trata de un tema de gran relevancia, porque se adentra en la situación del cristianismo y los cristianos en la región de Naŷrān, situada al sur de la Península Arábiga y que, actualmente, pertenece al Reino de Arabia Saudita. Esta zona fue, en efecto, un centro religioso, cultural, económico y comercial, lo que, además de su situación geográfica, la convirtió en la cuna de importantes hechos históricos. Por otro lado, se trata de un tema muy complejo de abordar por el hecho de que escasean las fuentes históricas que puedan relatar los detalles de la historia del cristianismo en esta estratégica región, lo cual requirió de un gran esfuerzo de mi parte para contactar con especialistas del tema e investigar los manuscritos y otras posibles fuentes escritas sobre la historia del cristianismo en Naŷrān en numerosas bibliotecas de países árabes y europeos, pero, aunque mi búsqueda fue extensa, los hallazgos resultaron más escasos, a excepción de algunas inscripciones, monumentos, restos y herramientas, nada desdeñables desde luego, aunque no los suficiente para cubrir con la deseable suficiencia un desarrollo exhaustivo de la temática sobre el cristianismo y los cristianos en Naŷrān en esos primeros siglos de la expansión de esa fe. A pesar de ello, he insistido en introducirme en la investigación de este tema tan poco estudiado y tan alejado de la Historia general, para ofrecer una visión global, original y razonable sobre la historia antigua del cristianismo en esta lejana región geográfica. De esta aventura científica, por tales características, resultó un trabajo del que estoy razonablemente satisfecha, considerando la escasez de información y fuentes de calidad sobre el tema...
After long research and continuous reviews among the books of ancient and contemporary history, God helped me to choose an interesting and critical, thorny subject at the same time (Christianity in Naŷrān in the first Gregorian eras); it is an interesting issue because it addresses the existence of Christianity and Christians in Naŷrān region, located in the south of the Arabian Peninsula which is now lying in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where it was a religious, cultural, economic and commercial center in the world. It witnessed great historical events because of its religious status, geographical and commercial location. However, it is a thorny, and critical issue because I could not get many historical sources tackling the details of the Christian history in such significant region. I tried my best through concluding communications with specialists and libraries in many Arab, European and other countries to get manuscripts about Christianity in Naŷrān, nonetheless, I did not get any manuscripts except some inscriptions, monuments and tools, which I did not benefit from very much to present all the incidents and the events that occurred to the Christians and Christianity in those first centuries. However, I explored this ancient history in order to present something new from the old history of Christians in a remote geographical area. This scientific adventure resulted in fruitful conclusion compared to the superficial reliable information and references available...
After long research and continuous reviews among the books of ancient and contemporary history, God helped me to choose an interesting and critical, thorny subject at the same time (Christianity in Naŷrān in the first Gregorian eras); it is an interesting issue because it addresses the existence of Christianity and Christians in Naŷrān region, located in the south of the Arabian Peninsula which is now lying in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where it was a religious, cultural, economic and commercial center in the world. It witnessed great historical events because of its religious status, geographical and commercial location. However, it is a thorny, and critical issue because I could not get many historical sources tackling the details of the Christian history in such significant region. I tried my best through concluding communications with specialists and libraries in many Arab, European and other countries to get manuscripts about Christianity in Naŷrān, nonetheless, I did not get any manuscripts except some inscriptions, monuments and tools, which I did not benefit from very much to present all the incidents and the events that occurred to the Christians and Christianity in those first centuries. However, I explored this ancient history in order to present something new from the old history of Christians in a remote geographical area. This scientific adventure resulted in fruitful conclusion compared to the superficial reliable information and references available...
Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Filología, leída el 20/12/2018