Efectos de los protocolos terapéuticos en la cronología de erupción dental en niños con osteogénesis imperfecta
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Universidad Complutense Madrid
Objetivos: El objetivo general de este estudio es determinar si los pacientes con OI tratados con pamidronato y/o ácido zoledrónico, presentan una edad de erupción retrasada frente a un grupo control de niños sanos. Además, se planteó como objetivos específicos ordenar una secuencia de erupción dental en niños con OI tratados con bifosfonatos, establecer si existe relación entre la dosis acumulada de medicación recibida y la edad de erupción dental en pacientes, comprobar si existe relación entre el tipo de medicación administrada y la edad de erupción dental y establecer si el tratamiento temprano con bifosfonatos podría modificar la edad de erupción dental.
Objectives: The general objective of this study is to determine if patients with OI treated with pamidronate and/or zoledronic acid present a delayed age of eruption compared to a control group of healthy children with OI treated with biphosphonates, to establish if there is a relationship between the accumulated dose of medication received and the age of dental eruption in patients, to verify if there is a relationship between the type of medication administered and the age of dental eruption and to establish if early treatment with bisphosphonates could modify the age of dental eruption.
Objectives: The general objective of this study is to determine if patients with OI treated with pamidronate and/or zoledronic acid present a delayed age of eruption compared to a control group of healthy children with OI treated with biphosphonates, to establish if there is a relationship between the accumulated dose of medication received and the age of dental eruption in patients, to verify if there is a relationship between the type of medication administered and the age of dental eruption and to establish if early treatment with bisphosphonates could modify the age of dental eruption.
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Odontología