Micro- and nanopyramids of Manganese-Doped Indium Oxide

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Mn-doped In(2)O(3) nanopyramids have been grown by a catalyst-free thermal process at 700 degrees C using InN and Mn(2)O(3) powders as precursors. Energy dispersive spectroscopy, as well as X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, demonstrate the presence of Mn in the pyramids in a content below 1 at. %. In addition to pyramids, nanowires with diameters of about 100 nm grow during treatments at 800 degrees C. Luminescence has been studied by cathodoluminescence in the scanning electron microscope, showing emissions at 1.9, 2.65, and 3.3 eV. Dopant incorporation into the nanostructures and their oxidation states, as well as the effect on the electronic structure, have been measured and discussed.
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© 2010 American Chemical Society. This work was supported by MEC (MAT2006-01259 and MAT2009-07782) and BSCH-UCM (Group 910146).
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