El sistema Cueva Mayor-Cueva del Silo: un estudio morfogenético del endokarst de la Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos, España)
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Ortega Martínez, Ana Isabel, et al. «El sistema cueva mayor-cueva del Silo: un estudio morfogenético del Endokarts de la sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos, España)». Geoarqueología y patrimonio en la Península Ibérica y el entorno mediterráneo, 2005, ISBN 84-7359-581-5, págs. 161-179, ADEMA, 2005, pp. 161-79. dialnet.unirioja.es, https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=1314236.
El sistema de Cueva Mayor-Cueva del Silo, desarrollado en las calizas del Cretácico superior de la Sierra de Atapuerca, representa un karst formado bajo condiciones freáticas, con tres niveles de galerías y flujos de drenaje hacia el W, con Cueva del Silo como surgencia principal. Sucesivos descensos del nivel de base liberaron los conductos superiores, desarrollando espeleotemas y ocupando sus entradas los animales y homínidos que vivían en la sierra, desde hace más de un millón de años. Reactivaciones kársticas, de cierta intensidad, vinculan el nivel de terraza de las cuevas del Silo y Peluda, a cotas de 985-978 m.s.n.m., con un flujo del Arlanzón correlacionado con la T5 (+44-46 m), del inicio del Pleistoceno medio, evento con el que relacionamos los procesos erosivos detectados en los niveles superiores. Desde el final del Pleistoceno medio estamos ante un karst inactivo, con algunos sectores de entrada fosilizados, y durante el Holoceno únicamente destaca la actividad antrópica.
The Cueva Mayor-Cueva del Silo karst system of the Sierra de Atapuerca was developed under freatic conditions in Upper Cretaceous limestone. It is formed by three different levels of passages, and the flow direction (drainage flow) was oriented westwards, with the Cueva del Silo acting as a main spring. Successive drops in the water table resulted in the abandonment of the upper passages, an intensive formation of speleothems and, finally, in the opening to the out side of some of these galleries at least one million years ago. Since then, these entrances were used by Pleistocene carnivores and humans. A dramatic flood (intensive karstic reactivation) can be correlated with the Cueva del Silo and Cueva Peluda inner terraces at 985-978 m. a.s.l., and with the T5 (+ 44 - 46 m.) terrace level of the Arlanzón river, presumably of early Middle Pleistocene age. Some of the erosion markings detected in the upper galleries can be correlated with this moment. Since the late Middle Pleistocene, the Atapuerca karst system can be considered as a relict karst with most of the entrances fossilised, and during the Holocene only the anthropic activities are important.
The Cueva Mayor-Cueva del Silo karst system of the Sierra de Atapuerca was developed under freatic conditions in Upper Cretaceous limestone. It is formed by three different levels of passages, and the flow direction (drainage flow) was oriented westwards, with the Cueva del Silo acting as a main spring. Successive drops in the water table resulted in the abandonment of the upper passages, an intensive formation of speleothems and, finally, in the opening to the out side of some of these galleries at least one million years ago. Since then, these entrances were used by Pleistocene carnivores and humans. A dramatic flood (intensive karstic reactivation) can be correlated with the Cueva del Silo and Cueva Peluda inner terraces at 985-978 m. a.s.l., and with the T5 (+ 44 - 46 m.) terrace level of the Arlanzón river, presumably of early Middle Pleistocene age. Some of the erosion markings detected in the upper galleries can be correlated with this moment. Since the late Middle Pleistocene, the Atapuerca karst system can be considered as a relict karst with most of the entrances fossilised, and during the Holocene only the anthropic activities are important.