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  • Publication
    La concepción del honor en el teatro español y francés del siglo XVII: problemas de metodología
    (Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 1993) Losada Goya, José Manuel
    Difícilmente podríamos hallar un texto completamente puro; toda composición literaria viene teñida de elementos procedentes de otras culturas. Esta presencia constituye el hecho comparatista. A pesar de la rivalidad política y militar de aquellos años, al público parisino poco le importa el que los escritores franceses conserven el título exacto de la obra que imitan, mantengan los nombres españoles en sus personajes o sitúen la acción en Madrid o Toledo. Y dentro de este mundo exótico, el espectador gusta especialmente de asistir a esos “casos de la honra” por aquello mismo que dijera Lope sobre su alcance universal. Sin por ello minimizar en absoluto otros temas tan interesantes como el amor o la mitología, estos asuntos del pundonor merecen pues que les dediquemos una atención especial, la misma que atraía a los espectadores parisinos al teatro ávidos de aquellas “comedias a la española”.
  • Publication
    “Matadlos a todos..." Terror y miedo en la Cruzada contra los Albigenses
    (Pagès editors, 2013) Alvira Cabrer, Martín; Sabaté, Flocel
    Las fuentes narrativas de la Cruzada Albigense narran con detalle los excesos y las violencias cometidas por los bandos enfrentados en la Cruzada Albigense (1209-1229), al tiempo que informan también de las sensaciones de miedo y terror expresadas por los combatientes y las poblaciones afectadas por esta guerra. En esta contribución se analizan en su contexto estos testimonios y estas expresiones.
  • Publication
    Después de Las Navas de Tolosa y antes de Bouvines. La batalla de Muret (1213) y sus consecuencias
    (Gobierno de Navarra, Institución Príncipe de Viana, 2011) Alvira Cabrer, Martín
    Análisis de la importancia histórica de la batalla de Muret (1213) en el contexto general del Occidente cristiano de principios del siglo XIII y en relación con las otras dos grandes batallas de la época: Las Navas de Tolosa (1212) y Bouvines (1214).
  • Publication
    Guerra y caballería: utopía y realidad
    (Sílex Ediciones, 2011) Alvira Cabrer, Martín; Alvira Cabrer, Martín; Díaz Ibáñez, Jorge
    Estudio de los ideales y los valores de la caballería medieval en relación con las prácticas militares de la época.
  • Publication
    User Generated Content Contribution to Museum Experience Design
    (Taylor & Francis, 2023) Gómez Punzón, Jonatan; Recuero virto; Recuero Virto, Nuria
    Museums have shifted to a new hybrid cultural venue format, to be enjoyed through multiple channels, multiple platforms, spreading the voice of art all around the world. Museums are challenged to draft new ways to interact with potential visitors. Technology has built a new framework of opportunities for museums to engage with clients and art and culture lovers, allowing these consumers to be part of the museum experience from any place. This chapter seeks to evaluate through a conceptual analysis of the use of #musetech and #musesocial, as a tool to define the new technological adoptions of potential visitors, matching their digital needs, and measuring the level and depth of adoption of these museums’ disruptive technologies. An initial exploratory analysis is offered (n = 617 posts) to determine the current trending topics reframing service design.
  • Publication
    The Role of UGC (User-Generated Content) Data for Collaborative Learning: Identifying Tourism Hot Topics During the Pandemic
    (Springer, 2022) recuero virto; Recuero Virto, Nuria
    Lockdowns and physical distancing measures due to COVID‐19 have entailed an unprecedent disruption on the tourism industry, which has resulted in the cancelation of many in-person trips in the wake of the pandemic. In view of COVID-19 spread, many worldwide tourism companies have been deciding what measures to adopt so as to limit face to face contacts. Besides, tourists are seeking services that fulfil sanitary protocols as well as experiences that cheer them up. Social media has become not just an entertainment tool but rather a socializing channel that is employed on a daily basis by individuals, companies, organizations, governments due to the vast benefits they get from it. Twitter has been identified as the most popular microblog platform, and a reliable source for examining and studying the industry’s behavior. It is unknown which tourism topics have been predominantly discussed in social media. The discussion identifies the major themes using User-Generated Content (UGC) published on Twitter. A dataset of tweets was employed to classify the tourism categories most discussed from the 30 November 2020 to 25 January 2021, using a Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model. We applied sentiment analysis using machine learning in Python to distinguish between the positive, negative and neutral feelings expressed in the tweets. The goal is to explore of these sentiments coincide with sustainable development goals, boost collaborative learning and expand tourism UGC during a health crisis.
  • Publication
    Students Shaping Their Future: Virtual Reality Interactive Exercises to Engage In For Learning
    (Taylor & Francis, 2022) recuero virto; Recuero Virto, Nuria
    Based on the Technological Acceptance Model, this chapter aims to propose a case study to expand the body of knowledge concerning the adoption of virtual reality applications as e-learning tools. Lockdowns to contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic are posing many challenges of how to improve STEAM-based curriculum design so as to provide students with an array of significant life skills to meet the shifting labour-market demand and embrace the hybrid intelligence that is expected in their future workplace. The case study is developed based on a sample tourism postgraduate student during the course of 2020–2021 that were asked to design and create a VR tour as part of the subject final task. After, students were requested to voluntarily answer an online questionnaire. Findings confirm that students’ attitude toward using VR Tour Creator tool strongly influences their intention to use it, the impact of perceived usefulness on satisfaction and the effect of perceived ease of use on perceived usefulness. The rest of the six effects are rejected; suggesting that virtual reality tools for the creation of tours are still in their infancy and that the developers of these tools should consider the knowledge presented in this chapter to improve their e-learning performance.
  • Publication
    Reimagining Tourism Events: Spain’s Preparation for the Return of a Healthier Breed of Tourists
    (Taylor & Francis, 2022) RECUERO VIRTO; Recuero Virto, Nuria
    High-tech solutions that mainly emerge in sport, nightlife, musical and cultural tourism events are arising that meet new pockets of demand, try to boost traveller confidence and attempt to foster tourism sustainability. Hence, Spain has become a lab for all these flourishing digital innovations that test the improvement of tourists’ experience. It appears that the best-positioned tourism events that will take advantage of this pandemic will be those that best meet the needs of a new upcoming singular segment named “Generation Clean”. How the event tourism industry attracts tourists by satisfying their new elevated expectations remains to be seen. The use of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) gadgets across QR codes, apps, wearables and bots are consolidating among inbound international and domestic tourists, which is allowing to track in real time visitors’ needs, behaviours and health conditions. Robots, artificial intelligence, facial recognition, among other advancements, are helping the industry confront this new panorama. Based on the preceding discussion, this chapter seeks to shed light on the significance of technological initiatives as a motor that boosts the recovery of the event tourism segment in Spain. The interest of this chapter is motivated by the unquestionable need of technological transformation tourism industry for the post-COVID-19 world.
  • Publication
    Robots, Artificial Intelligence, and Service Automation to the Core: Remastering Experiences at Museums
    (Emerald, 2019) recuero virto; Recuero Virto, Nuria; Blasco López; Blasco López, María Francisca
    Purpose: In the experience economy, the main challenge for museums is not only to attract visitors but also to preserve artworks. Given this circumstance, this chapter aims to offer an overview of how these cultural organisations have emerged as labs of the future culture, where all kind of technological experiments are tested so as to fulfil their mission. Design/methodology/approach: This chapter is based on extensive literature review on issues related to robots, artificial intelligence and service automation (RAISA) in the museum sector. Examples illustrate the role of technology in the experience design and preservation of cultural resources. Findings: 1) A chronological framework of museums’ orientations is established to understand the evolution toward the technology-driven present period. 2) Robots, artificial intelligence and service automation have a meaningful contribution to make in guaranteeing visitor arrivals. 3) This technological phase requires a tourism workforce with new skills. Research limitations/implications: Few academic studies concerning to the use of robots, artificial intelligence and service automation in the museum sector were found. Hence, more empirical studies are required to completely corroborate the chapter’s suggestions. Practical implications: An enlightening path for the service design of multisensory and participatory is proposed, as a useful guide for heritage managers, marketing practitioners and tourism planners. Originality/value: Museum management has been always receiving the attention of managers, policymakers, scholars, among others. Insights of how technology enhances heritage preservation and the improvement of museum services throughout numerous examples can direct them to increase knowledge and adopt these practices.
  • Publication
    Do Museums’ Websites Boost Visitors’ Intentions? A PLS Multigroup Comparison
    (Emerald, 2018) garcía de madariaga; García De Madariaga Miranda, Jesús; recuero virto; Recuero Virto, Nuria; blasci lópez; Blasco López, María Francisca; Aldas Manzano, Joaquín
    Today, museums spend a large amount of financial resources on websites to promote visitors’ arrivals and as an additional service that complements the physical visit (Marty, 2007, 2008, 2011). With the introduction of websites in this industry, its effects have expanded exponentially; while these digital platforms were initially designed to offer basic information, such as location, prices, and opening hours, Nowadays superstar museum websites offer a universe of visual, interactive, and e-learning tools,(Capriotti, Carretón, & Castillo, 2016; Capriotti & González-Herrero, 2013; Lagrosen, 2003; López, Margapoti, Maragliano, & Bove, 2010; Pallud, 2017).
  • Publication
    Aspects militaires de la Croisade albigeoise
    (Conseil général de l’Aude, 2010) Alvira Cabrer, Martín
    Se estudian en esta contribución las tropas que combatieron en la Cruzada Albigense (1209-1229), su organización, sus tácticas, sus estrategias y sus operaciones militares.
  • Publication
    El valor de la investigación plástica en la revitalización del tejido urbano
    (Complutense, 2003-05-01) Gallinal Moreno, Ana María; Pamplona Enguidanos, María De Los Ángeles; Meseguer Mayoral, Rosell
  • Publication
    El baile de las mákinas
    (L'Harmattan, 2004) Lasen Díaz, María Amparo; Barbanti, Roberto; Lynch, Enrique; Pardo, Carmen; Solomos, Makis
    En la música dance las tecnologías de composición, de difusión y de recepción al alcance de músicos y público forman una red donde el mismo útil puede desempeñar varias funciones. La escucha y la recepción no son algo pasivo, sino que contribuyen a la creación de espacios sonoros. La tecnología, sin ser el determinante de músicas e interpretaciones, se encuentra dentro de un contexto y cultura en cuya creación participa. Forma parte de la articulación, hibridación y reordenación de un sistema de significados y relaciones ligados al hacer musical. La cultura musical digital constituye así un engranaje de condiciones y relaciones en que los sonidos musicales se producen, circulan y son comprendidos. Partiendo de las tecnologías, en este artículo se describe someramente esta red de creación musical caracterizada por la fluidez o hibridación entre creación, difusión y recepción, red formada por tecnologías digitales y analógicas, platos y mesas de mezclas, vinilos y CDs, Internet, DJs, productores, públicos y cuerpos, discotecas y sistemas de sonido, pastillas y rayas, memorias musicales y afectivas . Los cambios que dicha tecnología favorece no sólo atañen a los resultados directos de la producción digital, grabaciones y estilos, sino también a las relaciones entre músicos, máquinas, formas y públicos, así como a las fronteras entre música y ruido, natural y artificial, humano y no humano
  • Publication
    La Croisade des Albigeois : une armée gigantesque ?
    (Presses Universitaires de Perpignan, 2010) Alvira Cabrer, Martín; Bourin, Monique
    En esta contribución se analiza el número de tropas de los ejércitos de la Cruzada Albigense (1209-1229), en especial las participantes en la primera campaña (verano 1209) que terminó con la sangrienta toma de la ciudad de Béziers.
  • Publication
    Rebeldes y herejes vencidos en las fuentes cronísticas hispanas (siglos XI-XIII)
    (CSIC, 2008) Alvira Cabrer, Martín; Fierro Maribel; García Fitz, Francisco
    Estudio de los testimonios cronísticos que describen el trato dado a rebeldes, traidores y herejes en la Península Ibérica y el sur de Francia (Cruzada Albigense) durante los siglos XI-XIII.
  • Publication
    “Senhor, per los nostres peccatz". Guerra y pecado en la Edad Media
    (Sílex Ediciones, 2008) Alvira Cabrer, Martín; Carrasco Manchado, Ana Isabel; Rábade Obrado, María Del Pilar
    Estudio sobre la relación entre el pecado y la actividad militar medieval, sobre todo de los caballeros de la Plena Edad Media (siglo XI-XIII).
  • Publication
    Del "Sepulcro" y los "sarracenos meridionales" a los "herejes occidentales". Apuntes sobre tres guerras santas en las fuentes del sur de Francia (siglos XI-XIII)
    (Presses universitaires du Midi, 2006) Alvira Cabrer, Martín; Baloup, Daniel; Josserand, Philippe
    Se analizan en esta contribución las fuentes analísticas hispánicas y del sur de Francia que ofrecen noticias breves sobre las guerras santas de la Plena Edad Media: las cruzadas de Oriente, la guerras contra los musulmanes en el contexto de la "Reconquista" y la cruzada antiherética conocido como Cruzada Albigense (1209-1229).
  • Publication
    (Privat, 2005) Alvira Cabrer, Martín; Albaret, Laurent; Gouzy, Nicolas
    Texto de introducción del libro sobre batallas medievales en el sur de Francia.
  • Publication
    Los reinos y condados cristianos: guerra, ejércitos y expansión (siglos VIII-XIII)
    (Ministerio de Defensa de España y Sílex, 2023) Alvira Cabrer, Martín
    Síntesis de la historia militar de los reinos y condados hispánicos en los siglos VIII-XIII, describiéndose los tipos de combatientes, la organización de los ejércitos y las principales operaciones militares.
  • Publication
    “Le triomphe de la Croix". La bataille de Las Navas de Tolosa (16 juillet 1212)
    (Privat, 2005) Alvira Cabrer, Martín; Albaret, Laurent; Gouzy, Nicolas
    Relato sintético de la gran cruzada de 1212 que terminó con la victoria en batalla campal de los reyes de Castilla, Aragón y Navarra sobre las tropas del Califato Almohade en Las Navas de Tolosa.