Violencia de Género en Relaciones de Pareja, Historias de Maltrato familiar y Significados que Construyen Estudiantes Adolescentes y Jóvenes de la Ciudad de Osorno Chile
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
La violencia de género es un gran problema social que afecta históricamente a toda la sociedad chilena, pero sólo recientemente hemos sido capaces de discutirlo en el ámbito público. Esta violencia se centra en la dominación masculina y su naturalización a través del tiempo (Bourdieu, 2005). Se vincula a la desigual distribución del poder y las relaciones asimétricas que se establecen entre mujeres y hombres, las cuales desvalorizan lo femenino y aseguran la subordinación hacia lo masculino (Brañes, 2006).Esta tesis tiene como propósito establecer la prevalencia, tipos, historia de maltrato familiar y significados construidos por adolescentes y jóvenes en torno a la violencia de género en sus relaciones de pareja. La investigación realizada en esta tesis se enmarca en el debate teórico y metodológico referido a la violencia de género en las relaciones de pareja de adolescentes y jóvenes denominada comúnmente violencia en el noviazgo. El pololeo en Chile es muy similar al concepto de noviazgo, es una expresión proveniente del Mapudungun “Pulomen” (Rodríguez, 1875), y se corresponde con un tipo de relación amorosa formal, previa al noviazgo...
Gender-based violence is a major social problem that has historically affected the entire Chilean society, but only recently, we have been able to discuss it into the public sphere. This violence focuses on the naturalization of the male domination over time (Bourdieu, 2005). It is linked to the unequal distribution of power and the asymmetrical relationships established between women and men, which devalue the feminine and ensure subordination towards the masculine (Brañes, 2006).The purpose of this thesis is to establish the prevalence, types, family history and meanings constructed by adolescents and young people around gender violence in their relationships. The research carried out in this thesis is part of a theoretical and methodological debate regarding gender violence in relationships of adolescents and young people called dating violence. Pololeo in Chile is very similar to the concept of fiancé. It is an expression from the Mapudungun “Pulomen” (Rodríguez, 1875), and it corresponds to a type of formal love relationship, prior to courtship...
Gender-based violence is a major social problem that has historically affected the entire Chilean society, but only recently, we have been able to discuss it into the public sphere. This violence focuses on the naturalization of the male domination over time (Bourdieu, 2005). It is linked to the unequal distribution of power and the asymmetrical relationships established between women and men, which devalue the feminine and ensure subordination towards the masculine (Brañes, 2006).The purpose of this thesis is to establish the prevalence, types, family history and meanings constructed by adolescents and young people around gender violence in their relationships. The research carried out in this thesis is part of a theoretical and methodological debate regarding gender violence in relationships of adolescents and young people called dating violence. Pololeo in Chile is very similar to the concept of fiancé. It is an expression from the Mapudungun “Pulomen” (Rodríguez, 1875), and it corresponds to a type of formal love relationship, prior to courtship...
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Trabajo Social, leída el 25-11-2022