Eventos clínicos de la doble antiagregación plaquetaria prolongada después del implante de stent liberador de fármaco por un síndrome coronario agudo
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
El debate sobre la duración óptima de la doble antiagregación plaquetaria (DAPT) sigue siendo divisivo ya que debe individualizarse según los riesgos de eventos isquémicos o hemorrágicos del paciente. Los datos sobre DAPT prolongada, hasta la fecha, no son concluyentes. Además de esto, algunos de los ensayos pueden no ser aplicables en la era actual de los stent liberadores de fármacos. Se han validado múltiples escalas para evaluar el perfil de riesgo del paciente y predecir eventos de sangrado durante los primeros meses después de la intervención coronaria percutánea (ICP) como a más largo plazo. Objetivos: este estudio pretendió evaluar los resultados a largo plazo de la estrategia de DAPT prolongada para pacientes que ingresaron por síndrome coronario agudo (SCA) sometidos a ICP, y evaluar si la duración de la terapia se correspondía a la recomendación de las escalas PRECISE-DAPT o DAPT-score de ambas ser aplicadas durante el ingreso, posterior a la ICP índice. Adicionalmente, evaluamos las tasas de eventos cardiovasculares mayores y de sangrado a largo plazo en aquellos pacientes con duración de DAPT concordantes y discordantes...
The debate regarding the ideal duration of dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) remains divisive and must be individualized to the patients ischaemic and bleeding risks. The data regarding prolonged DAPT to date is inconclusive. In addition to this, some of the trials may not be applicable in the current drug-eluting stent era. Several scores have been validated to assess the patient risk profile and predicting bleeding events both during the first months following percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and in the longer term. Aims: This study intended to evaluate the long-term outcomes of prolonged DAPT therapy for patients presenting with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) who underwent to PCI, and to evaluate how patient’s DAPT duration corresponded to their PRECISE-DAPT or DAPT-score recommendation if applied on the admission following the index PCI. In addition, we evaluated the long-term major cardiovascular and bleeding rates in those patients with concordant and discordant DAPT durations..
The debate regarding the ideal duration of dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) remains divisive and must be individualized to the patients ischaemic and bleeding risks. The data regarding prolonged DAPT to date is inconclusive. In addition to this, some of the trials may not be applicable in the current drug-eluting stent era. Several scores have been validated to assess the patient risk profile and predicting bleeding events both during the first months following percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and in the longer term. Aims: This study intended to evaluate the long-term outcomes of prolonged DAPT therapy for patients presenting with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) who underwent to PCI, and to evaluate how patient’s DAPT duration corresponded to their PRECISE-DAPT or DAPT-score recommendation if applied on the admission following the index PCI. In addition, we evaluated the long-term major cardiovascular and bleeding rates in those patients with concordant and discordant DAPT durations..
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, leída el 10-05-2024