Luminescence Study of Structural-Changes Induced by Laser Cutting in Diamond Films

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Piqueras de Noriega, Javier
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American Institute of Physics
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The effect of laser cutting on the structure of a chemical vapor deposited diamond film has been investigated by cathodoluminescence (CL) in the scanning electron microscope. The variation of particle morphology and CL spectra as a function of the distance to the cutting edge is described and possible laser induced structural changes are discussed. At the damaged region total CL emission increases and nitrogen-vacancy centers are detected.
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© 1995 American Institute of Physics. This work has been supported by DGICT (Project Nos. PB93-1256 -and HP93-004). We thank Professor J. Jiménez and P. Martin for the microRaman measurement. We thank Dr. Wolfgang (Siemens) for suggestions on this work and Dr. Roas (Siemens) for making the laser treatment.
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