Analizando nuevas subjetividades políticas. Comunidades musulmanas en la esfera pública española
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
En la última década han surgido en España formas alternativas de protesta y activismo, así como nuevos actores políticos y movimientos sociales que han contribuido a transformar el paisaje político español. El movimiento Indignados o 15-M impulsa desde mayo de 2011 un ciclo de protestas contra las políticas de privatización y los permanentes recortes de derechos, con la intención de promover las condiciones necesarias para una construcción política basada en la participación de personas diferentes. En esta investigación doctoral he indagado en la participación política de los y las musulmanas, con el objetivo de averiguar si las nuevas formas de movilización que surgen en 2011 tienen o no una vertiente musulmana. Puesto que en el Estado español habitan más de dos millones de personas musulmanas con o sin nacionalidad española (Observatorio Andalusí 2020) y puesto que una parte importante de estas vive numerosas desventajas causadas por diferentes prácticas de marginación, he querido analizar si el nuevo ciclo político ha permitido el surgimiento de una subjetividad política musulmana...
During the last decade, alternative forms of protest and activism have emerged in Spain, as well as new political actors and social movements that have contributed to transforming the Spanish political landscape. Since May 2011, the Indignados or 15-M movement has been promoting a cycle of protests against privatization policies and the permanent curtailment of rights, trying to create the necessary conditions for a political construction based on the participation of different people. In this doctoral research I have explored the political participation of Muslims in Spain, to find out whether the new forms of mobilization that emerged in 2011 include a “Muslim dimension” or not. Taking into account that an important part of the two million Muslims living in Spain, with or without Spanish nationality (Observatorio Andalusí 2020), suffer a number of disadvantages caused by different marginalization practices, the purpose of this investigation was to analyse whether the new political cycle has allowed the emergence of a Muslim political subjectivity...
During the last decade, alternative forms of protest and activism have emerged in Spain, as well as new political actors and social movements that have contributed to transforming the Spanish political landscape. Since May 2011, the Indignados or 15-M movement has been promoting a cycle of protests against privatization policies and the permanent curtailment of rights, trying to create the necessary conditions for a political construction based on the participation of different people. In this doctoral research I have explored the political participation of Muslims in Spain, to find out whether the new forms of mobilization that emerged in 2011 include a “Muslim dimension” or not. Taking into account that an important part of the two million Muslims living in Spain, with or without Spanish nationality (Observatorio Andalusí 2020), suffer a number of disadvantages caused by different marginalization practices, the purpose of this investigation was to analyse whether the new political cycle has allowed the emergence of a Muslim political subjectivity...
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Filología, leída el 15/01/2021