Manuales judeo-árabes de interpretación de sueños en época medieval
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
La presente investigación, titulada “Manuales judeo-árabes de Interpretación de sueños en época medieval”, tiene como objeto de estudio la producción onirocrítica medieval escrita en judeo-árabe. El término “onirocrítica” se emplea para designar la labor de codificación de los símbolos oníricos, entendidos como presagios del devenir. Como expresión literaria, se atestigua desde el segundo milenio a.C., en forma de listas de signos con sus significados correspondientes, formato que posteriormente supone la base de los tratados y manuales de interpretación de sueños. Las fuentes en las que se basa este estudio comprenden un corpus de ochenta y tres manuscritos inéditos, que consisten básicamente en fragmentos de manuales de interpretación de sueños. El estado fragmentario de los manuscritos se debe a que proceden de repositorios judíos de materiales en desuso, principalmente de la gueniza de la sinagoga de Ben ʿEzra en El Cairo, pero también de otros repositorios sinagogales similares. En la actualidad, estas colecciones se conservan en distintas bibliotecas del ámbito internacional. El objetivo fundamental de la investigación es compensar un vacío epistémico importante: la ausencia de estudios sobre la contribución judía a la historia de la literatura onirocrítica en general y a la árabe en particular en época medieval. Con la realización de este objetivo se subsana asimismo la carencia de publicaciones dedicadas a este tema entre los estudios sobre manuscritos de la Gueniza. La consecución de este objetivo central se ha articulado a través de cinco labores principales: 1) las transcripciones de los manuscritos en su alfabeto original junto con las ediciones en alfabeto árabe, para facilitar el acceso a estos materiales; 2) las descripciones de los aspectos codicológicos y paleográficos de los fragmentos; 3) la formulación de propuestas de uniones entre fragmentos a partir de características codicológicas, paleográficas y textuales; 4) la reconstrucción mediante ediciones sinópticas de los textos representados en varios fragmentos; y 5) la identificación y análisis de las obras conservadas, para su puesta en relación con la historia de la literatura onirocrítica...
This research work titled “Judaeo-Arabic Dream Manuals in Medieval Times” has as a thematic focus the medieval oneirocritic production written in Judeo-Arabic. The term “Oneirocriticism” refers to the work of codification of oneiric symbols, when understood as ominous signs for the future to come. As a literary expression, it is attested as far back as the second millennia BC in the form of lists of Omina and their corresponding meanings. In later times, this format became the basis of treatises and handbooks on the interpretation of dreams. The sources for this study comprise a corpus of eighty three unpublished manuscripts, consisting mostly of fragments of dream interpretation manuals. The fragmentary nature of these manuscripts is explained by the fact that they come from Jewish storage rooms for worn-out books and papers (genizah/genizot), mainly from the Ben ʿEzra synagogue in Cairo, but also other similar synagogue recpositories. Nowadays, these collections are preserved in different libraries around the world. The chief goal of this research work is to compensate for an important epistemic void: the lack of studies on the Jewish contribution to the history of oneirocritic literature in general and the Arabic one in particular, in the medieval era. The fulfilment of this goal will also help address the existing gap in this specific area among the numerous publications devoted to the manuscript of the Cairo Genizah. The achievement of the above mentioned goal will be articulated through five main tasks: 1) transcriptions of the manuscripts in their original alphabet, together with editions in Arabic alphabet, in order to facilitate the access to these materials to a broader readership; 2) codicologic and palaeographic descriptions of the fragments; 3) proposals of unions between the fragments on the basis of the aforementioned aspects as well as textual ones; 4) the reconstruction through synoptic editions of the texts found in several fragments; and 5) the identification and analysis of the preserved works in order to be contextualised within the history of the oneirocritic literature...
This research work titled “Judaeo-Arabic Dream Manuals in Medieval Times” has as a thematic focus the medieval oneirocritic production written in Judeo-Arabic. The term “Oneirocriticism” refers to the work of codification of oneiric symbols, when understood as ominous signs for the future to come. As a literary expression, it is attested as far back as the second millennia BC in the form of lists of Omina and their corresponding meanings. In later times, this format became the basis of treatises and handbooks on the interpretation of dreams. The sources for this study comprise a corpus of eighty three unpublished manuscripts, consisting mostly of fragments of dream interpretation manuals. The fragmentary nature of these manuscripts is explained by the fact that they come from Jewish storage rooms for worn-out books and papers (genizah/genizot), mainly from the Ben ʿEzra synagogue in Cairo, but also other similar synagogue recpositories. Nowadays, these collections are preserved in different libraries around the world. The chief goal of this research work is to compensate for an important epistemic void: the lack of studies on the Jewish contribution to the history of oneirocritic literature in general and the Arabic one in particular, in the medieval era. The fulfilment of this goal will also help address the existing gap in this specific area among the numerous publications devoted to the manuscript of the Cairo Genizah. The achievement of the above mentioned goal will be articulated through five main tasks: 1) transcriptions of the manuscripts in their original alphabet, together with editions in Arabic alphabet, in order to facilitate the access to these materials to a broader readership; 2) codicologic and palaeographic descriptions of the fragments; 3) proposals of unions between the fragments on the basis of the aforementioned aspects as well as textual ones; 4) the reconstruction through synoptic editions of the texts found in several fragments; and 5) the identification and analysis of the preserved works in order to be contextualised within the history of the oneirocritic literature...
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Filología, leída el 09-09-2016