La contaminación ambiental en el derecho alimentario

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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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El contenido de esta Tesis Doctoral es un análisis de la interrelación entre el Derecho Alimentario europeo y el Derecho ambiental, y en particular del Derecho del medio ambiente, en la legislación alimentaria europea. Para ello nuestro estudio se centra en el Reglamento (CE) 178/2002, del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 28 de enero de 2002, que es el pilar fundamental del Derecho Alimentario de la Unión Europea. En su extenso título, esta disposición informa sobre el triple contenido de su regulación: se establecen los principios y los requisitos generales de la legislación alimentaria, se crea la Autoridad Europea de Seguridad Alimentaria y se fijan procedimientos relativos a la seguridad alimentaria. Dentro del Capítulo II del Reglamento, dedicado a la legislación alimentaria general, se abre una Sección Primera que versa sobre los principios generales de la legislación alimentaria, y que aborda tres cuestiones diferenciadas: los objetivos generales de la legislación alimentaria, los medios o técnicas para lograr esos objetivos y los principios generales de la legislación alimentaria europea. Pues bien, el análisis que en esta Tesis Doctoral se hace de la presencia de la protección ambiental en la legislación alimentaria se focaliza en cada una de esas tres cuestiones básicas abordadas en esa Sección del Reglamento (CE) 178/2002...
The content of this Thesis is an analysis of the relationship between the European Food Law and Environmental Law, and in particular of Environmental Law in the European food legislation. For this reason, our study focuses on Regulation (EC) 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 28 January 2002, which is the fundamental pillar of the Food Law of the European Union. In its extensive title, this provision reports on the content of his triple regulation: laying down the general principles and requirements of Food Law, establishing the European Food Safety Authority and fixing procedures relating to food security. Within the Chapter II of the Regulation, dedicated to the general Food Law, a first section that deals with the general principles of Food Law and addresses three distinct issues: the overall objectives of Food Law, the techniques needed to achieve these objectives and the general principles of the European food legislation. However, the analysis that in this Doctoral Thesis has been done in the presence of environmental protection in food legislation focuses on each of these three basic issues addressed in the Section of Regulation (EC) 178/2002. With regard to the first question, (general objectives), European Food Law is aimed at ensuring a high level of protection of life and the health of the people, taking into account the welfare of the animals, plant health and the environment as indicated by the regulatory text. All this under the integrated approach that is reflected in the expression "from farm to table", which is now considered a general principle of food security policy of the EU. As a result, the Environment has been the subject of attention by the Food Law so far, as it is necessary for food legislation to achieve its main objective. This objective is the protection of life and the health of the people in the processes of human feeding and aims to ensure that the products in the market are safe in order to avoid that the impact of food in the environment can affect food security...
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Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Derecho, Departamento de Derecho Administrativo, leída el 20/01/2016