Callous unemotional traits mediate the presence of challenging behaviors in adults with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability

dc.contributor.authorÁlvarez Couto, María
dc.contributor.authorGarcía Villamisar, Domingo Antonio
dc.contributor.authorPozo Armentia, Araceli Del
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dc.description.abstractBackground: Callous-unemotional traits (CUT) are an antisocial personality trait, which can be present in people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), especially in relation to difficulties in empathy. These traits are related to challenging behaviors, such as aggressive behavior, which may occur in people with ASD. Method: This study aimed to expand the understanding of the role of CUT in adults with ASD and intellectual disability (ID). Eighty-three adults with a diagnosis of ASD and ID participated in the study. Results: Mediation analyses found that CUT indirectly mediated the relationship between ASD symptomatology and the frequency of self-injuries and stereotypies, but not aggression. Conclusions: It is considered that CUT may have a protective effect on the presence of individual challenging behaviors in adults with ASD and ID. The apparent relationship between CUT and executive functioning was discussed. CUT traits may be considered as a variable to contemplate in relation to interventions in challenging behaviors in the ASD population, especially in those individuals who show aggression-related behaviors and who have a higher executive level.
dc.description.departmentDepto. de Personalidad, Evaluación y Psicología Clínica
dc.description.facultyFac. de Educación
dc.description.sponsorshipUniversidad Complutense de Madrid - Banco Santander Funding Program [CT63/19-CT64/19].
dc.identifier.citationMaría Álvarez-Couto, Domingo García-Villamisar & Araceli del Pozo (2023): Callous unemotional traits mediate the presence of challenging behaviors in adults with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability, International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, DOI: 10.1080/20473869.2023.2171756
dc.journal.titleInternational Journal of Developmental Disabilities
dc.publisherTaylor and Francis Group
dc.relation.projectIDThis study was partially financed by a predoctoral contract for trainee researchers from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid - Banco Santander Funding Program [CT63/19-CT64/19].
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internationalen
dc.rights.accessRightsembargoed access
dc.subject.keywordCallous – unemotional traits
dc.subject.keywordAutism spectrum disorder
dc.subject.keywordChallenging behaviors
dc.subject.keywordMediation analyses
dc.subject.ucmEducación especial (Psicología)
dc.subject.ucmEducación especial (Educación)
dc.subject.unesco5802.05 Educación Especial; Minusválidos y deficientes Mentales
dc.subject.unesco6101.04 Psicopatología
dc.subject.unesco6101.03 Deficiencia Mental
dc.titleCallous unemotional traits mediate the presence of challenging behaviors in adults with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability
dc.typejournal article
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