High dynamic range imaging method for interferometry

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We demonstrate a method to easily and quickly extend the dynamic range imaging capabilities of the camera in a typical interferometric approach. The camera dynamic range is usually low and limited to 256 gray levels. Also, it is well known that one may have over or under-exposed regions in the interferogram (due to non-uniform illumination) which makes these image regions not reliable. In our proposed method it is not necessary to obtain or use the non-linear camera response curve in order to extend the camera dynamic range. We obtain a sequence of differently exposed interferograms, typically five or six; after that, we compute the corresponding normalized fringe patterns and modulation maps using a typical normalization method. These normalized patterns are combined through a temporal weighted average using as weights the corresponding modulation maps. We show a set of experimental results that prove the effectiveness of the proposed method.
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© 2011 Elsevier Science B. V.