La rehabilitación y continuidad de cuidados en salud mental en Madrid: la experiencia de un servicio de salud mental comunitario
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
La investigación que presentamos lleva por título “La rehabilitación y continuidad de cuidados en salud mental en Madrid: la experiencia de un servicio de salud mental comunitario”. Surge del deseo de reunir el trabajo social y la rehabilitación psicosocial en salud mental, la actividad asistencial y la práctica docente. De este modo, nos preguntamos por las prácticas y por la epistemología que la acompañan, para dar respuesta a las necesidades de las personas atendidas en el programa de Rehabilitación y continuidad de cuidados de la Comunidad de Madrid para atender las necesidades psicosociales de las personas afectadas por trastorno mental grave. La falta de evaluación en esta materia, en Madrid en general y en el servicio de salud mental estudiado en particular hace recomendable su análisis, dado que la red de atención en salud mental comunitaria sigue siendo la misma en la actualidad que la de hace veinte años. Así, el supuesto que encierra y da sentido a esta investigación es que ha quedado anacrónico el sistema de clasificación de las necesidades psicosociales establecidas en el Programa de rehabilitación y continuidad de cuidados que aplica el Protocolo de continuidad de cuidados (2004), de la Oficina Regional de Salud Mental de la Comunidad de Madrid, y puerta de entrada para el acceso a los recursos de rehabilitación; es ésta una cuestión que nos remite a la burocratización de las mismas...
The research that we are presenting is entitled “Rehabilitation and continuity in mental health care in Madrid: the experience of a community mental health service”. It is the result of a desire to bring together mental health psychosocial rehabilitation, social work, care activities and teaching practices. To this end, we have studied the practices (and the corresponding epistemology) that are used in the rehabilitation and continuous care programme implemented by the Regional Government of Madrid to respond to the needs of people affected by severe mental disorders. Due to a lack of evaluation work in this field in Madrid in general and in the mental health service in question, such an analysis was considered necessary due to the fact that the community mental health care network is the same now as it was twenty years ago. Hence, the underlying and fundamental premise of this research is that the classification of psychosocial needs established in the Rehabilitation and Ongoing Care Programme of the Protocol for Ongoing Care (2004) that is followed by the Madrid Regional Office for Mental Health (the point of access for rehabilitation resources) has become anachronistic. Indeed, this situation has led to an increase in bureaucratisation...
The research that we are presenting is entitled “Rehabilitation and continuity in mental health care in Madrid: the experience of a community mental health service”. It is the result of a desire to bring together mental health psychosocial rehabilitation, social work, care activities and teaching practices. To this end, we have studied the practices (and the corresponding epistemology) that are used in the rehabilitation and continuous care programme implemented by the Regional Government of Madrid to respond to the needs of people affected by severe mental disorders. Due to a lack of evaluation work in this field in Madrid in general and in the mental health service in question, such an analysis was considered necessary due to the fact that the community mental health care network is the same now as it was twenty years ago. Hence, the underlying and fundamental premise of this research is that the classification of psychosocial needs established in the Rehabilitation and Ongoing Care Programme of the Protocol for Ongoing Care (2004) that is followed by the Madrid Regional Office for Mental Health (the point of access for rehabilitation resources) has become anachronistic. Indeed, this situation has led to an increase in bureaucratisation...
Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Trabajo Social, Departamento de Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales, leída el 20-04-2017