Representation and annual to decadal predictability of Euro-Atlantic weather regimes in the CMIP6 version of the EC-Earth Coupled Climate Model

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American Geophysical Union
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Weather regimes are large-scale atmospheric circulation states that frequently occur in the climate system with persistence and recurrence, and are associated with the occurrence of specific local weather conditions. This study evaluates the representation of the four Euro-Atlantic weather regimes in uninitialized historical forcing simulations and initialized decadal predictions performed with the EC-Earth3 coupled climate model. The four weather regimes are the positive and negative phases of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO+ and NAO−, respectively), Blocking, and Atlantic Ridge in winter; and the NAO−, Blocking, Atlantic Ridge, and Atlantic Low in summer. We also analyze the impact that the model initialization toward the observed state of the climate system has on the ability to predict the variability of the weather regimes' seasonal frequency of occurrence. We find that the EC-Earth3 model correctly reproduces the spatial patterns and climatological occurrence frequencies of the four weather regimes. By contrast, the skill in predicting the inter-annual to decadal variations of the weather regimes' seasonal frequencies is generally low, and the initialization does not significantly improve such skill. The observed teleconnections between the weather regimes and the North Atlantic sea surface temperatures are generally not reproduced by the model, which could be a reason for the low skill in predicting the temporal variations of the weather regime frequencies.
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© 2022. American Geophysical Union. This research has received support by the AXA Research Fund, the CLINSA project (CGL2017-85791-R), and the EUCP project (Horizon 2020 Grant 776613). CDT acknowledges financial support from the Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation (FPI PRE2019-08864 financed by MCIN/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by FSE invierte en tu futuro). EH was supported by the Spanish Project PRE4CAST (grant CGL2017-86415-R). MGD has also been supported by the Spanish Ministry for the Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (grant RYC-2017-22964). The authors thank Verónica Torralba, Nicola Cortesi, Roberto Bilbao, Lluís Palma, and Francisco J. Doblas-Reyes for their technical and scientific support. The authors also thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions, which improved the manuscript.