J(--) glueballs and a low odderon intercept

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Bicudo, Pedro
Cotanch, Stephen R
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American Physical Soc
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We report an odderon Regge trajectory emerging from a field theoretical Coulomb gauge QCD model for the odd signature J(PC) (P=C=-1) glueball states. The trajectory intercept is clearly smaller than the Pomeron and even the omega trajectory's intercept which provides an explanation for the nonobservation of the odderon in high energy scattering data. To further support this result we compare to glueball lattice data and also perform calculations with an alternative model based upon an exact Hamiltonian diagonalization for three constituent gluons.
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©2006 The American Physical Society. F. L. acknowledges the Fundacion del Amo-Universidad Complutense for financial support and the hospitality of the SLAC theory group. Thanks to E. Abreu, S. Brodsky, J. Vary, and P. Zerwas for useful conversations. Research supported by Spanish Grant No. MCYT FPA 2004-02602 (F. L.) and U. S. DOE Grant No. DE-FG02-97ER41048 (S. C.).
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