La autonomía estratégica de la Unión Europea: ¿en qué lugar queda América Latina?
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Fundación Carolina
Verdes-Montenegro, F. J. (2022): “La autonomía estratégica de la Unión Europea: ¿en qué lugar queda América Latina?”, Documentos de trabajo nº 65 (2ª época), Madrid, Fundación Carolina,
En poco más de un lustro, dos interpretaciones de la autonomía estratégica se han ido abriendo paso en el marco de la Unión Europea: una restringida —más apegada a la dimensión de defensa— y otra ampliada, con carácter multidimensional. Cada una de ellas tiene un origen y características diferentes, así como una percepción de América Latina que varía e influye en la propia forma de enfocar la relación birregional y su asociación estratégica. Por ello, el presente trabajo revisa, en primer lugar, la evolución de una noción disputada en el seno de la UE para, en segundo término, abordar cómo cada una de estas aproximaciones a la autonomía estratégica de la UE —restringida y ampliada— condiciona sus relaciones hacia América Latina. Asimismo, y para concluir, se aborda un ejemplo paradigmático de cooperación birregional que marca una pauta para futuros programas de cooperación entre ambas regiones en esta materia.
In just over five years two interpretations of strategic autonomy have been making their way within the European Union, a restricted one more attached to the defense dimension and another expanded (or open) with a multidimensional character. Each one of them has a different origin and characteristics, as well as a perception of Latin America that varies and influences the way of approaching the bi-regional relationship and its strategic association. For this reason, this paper first reviews the evolution of the strategic autonomy as a disputed notion within the EU; secondly, it address how each of these approaches to the EU’s strategic autonomy —restricted and expanded— affects its relationship vis-a-vis Latin America. Lastly, the paper address a paradigmatic example of bi-regional cooperation that sets a pattern for future cooperation programs between both regions in this field.
In just over five years two interpretations of strategic autonomy have been making their way within the European Union, a restricted one more attached to the defense dimension and another expanded (or open) with a multidimensional character. Each one of them has a different origin and characteristics, as well as a perception of Latin America that varies and influences the way of approaching the bi-regional relationship and its strategic association. For this reason, this paper first reviews the evolution of the strategic autonomy as a disputed notion within the EU; secondly, it address how each of these approaches to the EU’s strategic autonomy —restricted and expanded— affects its relationship vis-a-vis Latin America. Lastly, the paper address a paradigmatic example of bi-regional cooperation that sets a pattern for future cooperation programs between both regions in this field.