La construcción del pasado panhelénico en el Ática: la gigantomaquia
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Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Domínguez Monedero, A. J., Sánchez Medina, E. , & García Cardiel, J. (2024). Las elites recuerdan: Memoria y religión en la Antiüedad. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
El combate entre dioses y gigantes en el que tiene un protagonismo especial Heracles es uno de los mitos panhelénicos más conocidos. En el Ática este mito se hace «local», construyéndose como «memoria» del pasado común tanto en la acrópolis, donde se enfrentan con el autóctono Erictonio, como en Palene, en el Ática. Allí los protagonistas, además de los gigantes Palántidas, son Atenea y Heracles que se «naturaliza» en Atenas y se constituye en el héroe ejemplar durante el s. VI a.C. El mito va transformándose y reinventándose desde entonces, de acuerdo con los cambios y circunstancias de la polis arcaica y clásica.
The combat between gods and giants in which Heracles plays a special role is one of the best-known Panhellenic myths. In Attica this myth becomes «local», being built as a «memory» of the common past, both on the acropolis, where they confront the native Erichthonius, and in Pallene, in Attica. There the protagonists, in addition to the Pallantidai giants, are Athena and Heracles who is «naturalized» in Athens and becomes the exemplary hero during the 6th century BC. The myth has been transforming and reinventing itself since then according to the changes and circumstances of the archaic and classical polis.
The combat between gods and giants in which Heracles plays a special role is one of the best-known Panhellenic myths. In Attica this myth becomes «local», being built as a «memory» of the common past, both on the acropolis, where they confront the native Erichthonius, and in Pallene, in Attica. There the protagonists, in addition to the Pallantidai giants, are Athena and Heracles who is «naturalized» in Athens and becomes the exemplary hero during the 6th century BC. The myth has been transforming and reinventing itself since then according to the changes and circumstances of the archaic and classical polis.