Structural and dielectric properties of ultra-fast microwave-processed La_0.3Ca_0.7Fe_0.7Cr_0.3O3-delta ceramics

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Haris Masood, Ansari
Fernández Díaz, María Teresa
Morán, Emilio
Molero Sánchez, Beatriz
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Perovskite La_0.3Ca_0.7Fe_0.7Cr_0.3O_(3-delta) (LCFCr) is a mixed ionic and electronic conductor (MIEC) that can be employed as an electrode material in reversible solid oxide fuel cells (RSOFCs). In this work, an ultra-fast (15 min) one-step microwave (MW)-assisted combustion synthesis route has been developed to obtain phase pure and highly crystalline LCFCr powder. The synthesized powders exhibited a sponge-like microstructure with increased electrochemical reaction sites. Neutron thermodiffraction analysis revealed a structural transition above 500 degrees C from the room temperature (RT) orthorhombic Pnma to a rhombohedral R3c perovskite phase. The oxygen vacancy concentration was found to increase from delta = 0.272(7) at RT to delta = 0.333(5) at 900 degrees C. Furthermore, a 3-dimensional G-type antiferromagnetic structure was detected at RT. MW-sintering of pressed green ceramic pellets was carried out at 950 degrees C for 1 h, using a MW-transparent quartz fiber crucible or alternatively a SiC crucible acting as a MW-absorber. Impedance spectroscopy data on sintered ceramic pellets revealed electronic inhomogeneity as demonstrated by the occurrence of three dielectric relaxation processes associated with two grain boundary (GB)-like contributions and one bulk. The dielectric inhomogeneity encountered may be restricted to the extrinsic GB areas, which may be rather thin. More homogeneous dielectric properties of the GBs were found in the pellet that was sintered in the SiC crucible.
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CRUE-CSIC (Acuerdos Transformativos 2022) © 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This work has been supported by the Madrid Government (Comunidad de Madrid- Spain) under the Multiannual Agreement with Complutense University in the line Program to Stimulate Research for Young Doctors in the context of the V PRICIT (Regional Programme of Research and Technological Innovation): Project PR65/19–22459. We thank to Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033) for granting the projects PID2020-112848RB-C21 and RTI2018-094550-A-I00. We also wish to express our gratitude to the ILL and CNME technical staff for providing the facilities for neutron poder diffraction experiment and SEM, respectively.