Continuous multilinear operators on C(K) spaces and polymeasures

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Universidad de Extremadura, Departamento de Matemáticas
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This paper is a survey of the results of Bombal and I. Villanueva Díez [Funct. Approx. Comment. Math. 26 (1998), 117–126; Bombal, D. Pérez-García and Villanueva Díez [Q. J. Math. 55 (2004), no. 4, 441–450; and Pérez-García and Villanueva Díez [Ark. Mat. 42 (2004), no. 1, 153–171; The results surveyed concern Riesz-type integral representations of continuous multilinear operators on C(K) -spaces by polymeasures.
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Proceedings of "Banach space theory: classical topics and new directions, Cáceres 2006". (Satellite conference of the World Congress ICM2006, Madrid 2006)
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