Hacia un trabajo social contrahegemónico : autoetnografiando resistencias en Atención Social Primaria del Ayuntamiento de Madrid
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
El presente trabajo de investigación ha tenido como propósito realizar una aproximación a los ejercicios de resistencia efectuados por las trabajadoras sociales de Atención Social Primaria del Ayuntamiento de Madrid, entendiendo éstos como aquellas contraconductas que desafían el orden hegemónico a partir de la identificación de márgenes de maniobra, espacios de acción o discreción profesional y que pretenden oponerse al orden establecido sin perder el puesto, constituidas por la expresión, a menudo silenciosa o que apenas se percibe como un rumor, que discurre en clave de recuperación de la propia potencia, de generación de capacidades para reencontrarse solidariamente con otras organizadas (o no) que ahora resisten y que trazan nuevos trayectos y líneas de fuga por donde emerge el deseo, lo actual, lo novedoso y que permiten dar otro sentido a las intervenciones hegemónicas realizadas desde una lógica neoliberal. Para ello, la metodología empleada ha sido la autoetnografía como forma particular de escritura donde se aúnan intenciones etnográficas y autobiográficas desde una descripción narrativa, poniendo el foco en mis propias circunstancias de vida y en mis propias experiencias con relación a las resistencias cotidianas en Atención Social Primaria del Ayuntamiento de Madrid en un intento de conocer y comprender un fenómeno sociocultural mayor. De acuerdo con el estudio realizado, se concluye que las trabajadoras sociales “dan forma” a la intervención social en su implementación en primera línea siendo, precisamente ahí, donde se pueden desarrollar actos de resistencia frente a la racionalidad neoliberal.
The purpose of this research work has been to make an approximation to the resistance exercises carried out by the social workers of Primary Social Care of the Madrid City Council, understanding these as those counter-behaviors that challenge the hegemonic order from the identification of maneuver margins, spaces of action or professional discretion and that seek to oppose the established order without losing their position, constituted by expression, often silent or barely perceived as a rumor, that runs in the key of recovery of one's own power, of generation of capacities to reencounter insolidarity with other organized (or not) that now resist and that trace new paths and lines of flight through which desire emerges, the current, the novelty and that allow to give another meaning to the hegemonic interventions carried out from a neoliberal logic. For this, the methodology used has been autoethnography as a particular form of writing where ethnographic and autobiographical intentions are combined from a narrative description, focusing on my own life circumstances and on my own experiences in relation to daily resistance in Primary Social Care of the Madrid City Council to know and understand a greater sociocultural phenomenon. According to the study carried out, it is concluded that social workers "shape" social intervention in its implementation in the front line, being precisely there where acts of resistance can develop against neoliberal rationality.
The purpose of this research work has been to make an approximation to the resistance exercises carried out by the social workers of Primary Social Care of the Madrid City Council, understanding these as those counter-behaviors that challenge the hegemonic order from the identification of maneuver margins, spaces of action or professional discretion and that seek to oppose the established order without losing their position, constituted by expression, often silent or barely perceived as a rumor, that runs in the key of recovery of one's own power, of generation of capacities to reencounter insolidarity with other organized (or not) that now resist and that trace new paths and lines of flight through which desire emerges, the current, the novelty and that allow to give another meaning to the hegemonic interventions carried out from a neoliberal logic. For this, the methodology used has been autoethnography as a particular form of writing where ethnographic and autobiographical intentions are combined from a narrative description, focusing on my own life circumstances and on my own experiences in relation to daily resistance in Primary Social Care of the Madrid City Council to know and understand a greater sociocultural phenomenon. According to the study carried out, it is concluded that social workers "shape" social intervention in its implementation in the front line, being precisely there where acts of resistance can develop against neoliberal rationality.
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Trabajo Social, leída el 04-04-2022