Estructuras psicológicas tempranas, impulsividad, adicciones a sustancias y comportamentales en adolescentes y jóvenes de Ecuador
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Desde las primeras experiencias en la infancia se forman los esquemas cognitivos por lo que el tipo de apego que experimente un individuo será esencial cara a configurarla percepción del mundo, de los demás y de sí mismo. Los tipos de apego disfuncionales se relacionan con esquemas tempranos inadaptados y ello cobra una especial relevancia en la adolescencia dado que es un periodo evolutivo complejo que por sí mismo puede representar un aumento de la vulnerabilidad a la impulsividad o para ejecutar conductas de riesgo como el consumo de sustancias o el desarrollo de adicciones comportamentales debido a la falta de maduración de determinadas áreas cerebrales, como es el córtex prefrontal,encargadas de las funciones ejecutivas. El abuso de drogas también parece que está relacionado con esquemas inadaptados tempranos y un tipo de apego desadaptativo...
From the first experiences in childhood, cognitive schemes are formed so thetype of attachment that a person experiences will be essential to shape the perception of the world, of others and of oneself. Dysfunctional types of attachment are related to early maladaptive patterns and this takes a special relevance in adolescence because it is a complex evolutionary period that in itself can represent an increase in vulnerability to impulsivity or to execute risky behaviors such as consumption of substances or the development of behavioral addictions due to the lack of maturation of certain brain areas, such as the prefrontal cortex, responsible for executive functions. Drug abuse also seems to be related to early maladaptive patterns and a maladaptive type of attachment...
From the first experiences in childhood, cognitive schemes are formed so thetype of attachment that a person experiences will be essential to shape the perception of the world, of others and of oneself. Dysfunctional types of attachment are related to early maladaptive patterns and this takes a special relevance in adolescence because it is a complex evolutionary period that in itself can represent an increase in vulnerability to impulsivity or to execute risky behaviors such as consumption of substances or the development of behavioral addictions due to the lack of maturation of certain brain areas, such as the prefrontal cortex, responsible for executive functions. Drug abuse also seems to be related to early maladaptive patterns and a maladaptive type of attachment...
Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Trabajo Social, leída el 28-11-20108