Near-field shaping with two binary diffractive optical elements in tandem

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Herrera Fernández, José María
Bernabeu Martínez, Eusebio
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Elsevier Science BV
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Diffractive optical elements (DOEs) are commonly used for beam shaping in the far field. In the present work, we develop an algorithm for near-field beam shaping using a double DOE system with binary modulation, so that it can be easily implemented on a glass substrate. In a first stage, the first amplitude DOE is equal to the target intensity distribution and the second phase DOE is obtained using a simple and fast iterative technique. In order to improve the optical efficiency of the system, we also analyze the behavior of the algorithm when the first DOE is not equal to the target image, but a widened version of it. Several numerical simulations are obtained, and an analysis of tolerances is performed.
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© 2013 Elsevier B.V. This work has been partially supported by project DPI2011-27851 of the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain and by program SEGVAUTO P2009/DPI-1509 of Comunidad de Madrid. We thank A. González-Cano for his help.