Modeling the electrical conductivity of icosahedral quasicrystals

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A model for the electronic structure of icosahedral quasicrystals is proposed on the basis of a number of pertinent experimental results. From this model we obtain a closed analytical expression for the electrical conductivity accurately describing the most remarkable features observed in the sigma(T) curves of high quality quasicrystals. As a convenient working example we compare the theoretical description provided by our treatment with a series of suitable experimental data for the i-AlCuRu, unveiling a relationship among the density-of-states structure, the sample stoichiometry, and the electrical conductivity of different samples at different temperature ranges.
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Ā©2000 The American Physical Society Thanks are warmly due to Claire Berger, Thierry Grenet, Didier Mayou, and Stephan Roche for many helpful comments and suggestions as well as for their kind hospitality during my visit at LEPES in Grenoble. I gratefully thank Zbigniew M. Stadnik for interesting conversations and useful suggestions. I also thank M. Victoria HernĆ”ndez for a critical reading of the manuscript. This work is supported by Universidad Complutense de Madrid through Project No. PR64/99-8510.