Use of the E-beam radiation to diminish the late blowing of cheese

Velasco R, Ordóñez JA, Cabeza MC, de la Hoz L, Cambero MI. Use of the E-beam Radiation to Diminish the Late Blowing of Cheese. Int Dairy J. 2011; 21:493-500
This study examines the effect of E-beam irradiation on the survival of Clostridium tyrobutyricum to diminish the late blowing of cheese. At a dose of 3 kGy brings about a 96% reduction of the C. tyrobutyricum spores. This treatment also provokes an important reduction in the number of common microbiota presumably composed by lactic acid bacteria. Nevertheless, following reparation of damage, these bacteria still grow to reach almost normal levels. At doses lower than 3 kGy, the changes in physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of the cheese were negligible. An increase of redness (a* value) and a decrease of yellowness (b* value) were observed in irradiated samples. The irradiation at dose of 3 kGy had a significant (P < 0.05) effect on the texture, decreasing the hardness and increasing the cohesiveness. Although at 3 kGy some changes of appearance, odour and flavour were detected by sensory analysis, samples were acceptable for consumption
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