Confronting quintessence models with recent high-redshift supernovae data

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We confront the predictions of different quintessence models with recent measurements of the luminosity distance from two sets of supernovae type Ia. In particular, we consider the 157 SNe Ia in the Gold dataset with z < 1.7, and the more recent data containing 71 supernovae obtained by the Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS) with z < 1. We numerically solve the evolution equations for the Ratra-Peebles inverse power-law model, the double exponential and the hyperbolic cosine quintessence models. We obtain confidence regions from the two datasets in the Omega(M)-alpha and Omega(M)-w(phi) planes for the different models and compare their predictions with dark energy models with constant equation of state.
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© 2006 The American Physical Society. We would like to thank P. Astier for useful comments. This work has been partially supported by DGICYT (Spain) under project numbers FPA 2004-02602 and FPA 2005-02327.
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