Core-crust transition pressure for relativistic slowly rotating neutron stars

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Amer Inst Physics
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We study the influence of core-crust transition pressure changes on the general dynamical properties of neutron star configurations. First we study the matching conditions in core-crust transition pressure region, where phase transitions in the equation of state causes energy density jumps. Then using a surface crust approximation, we can construct configurations where the matter is described by the equation of state of the core of the star and the core-crust transition pressure. We will consider neutron stars in the slow rotation limit, considering perturbation theory up to second order in the angular velocity so that the deformation of the star is also taken into account. The junction determines the parameters of the star such as total mass, angular and quadrupolar momentum.
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© Amer Inst Physics. ISSN: 0094-243 Conferencia: Spanish Relativity Meeting on Towards New Paradigms (ERE).(2011. Madrid)
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