El apoyo social en la violencia de género en relaciones de pareja heterosexual: Caso Bogotá-Colombia
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
La violencia de género es una grave violación a los Derechos Humanos (en adelante DDHH) de las mujeres, un problema de salud con importantes efectos individuales, sociales y económicos y una barrera para el avance y desarrollo social. En Colombia se han encontrado evidencias que señalan como principal agresor de la mujer a la pareja o expareja. Este estudio se contextualiza en la ciudad de Bogotá-Colombia y toma como objeto de estudio la violencia de género que sufren las mujeres residentes en esta ciudad por una pareja heterosexual. Amplia la mirada al incluir como agresores al novio, exnovio, pareja, expareja, esposo o exesposo; y asigna el mismo peso a cualquier manifestación de violencia informada por la mujer. Incorpora por primera vez al apoyo social desde las perspectivas estructural, funcional y contextual, como variable dependiente para analizar la violencia de género, respondiendo a las sugerencias de otras investigadoras e investigadores de otorgarle a este constructo un mayor protagonismo en la investigación social...
Gender based violence -GBV-is a serious violation of women's human rights, a health problem with significant individual, social and economic effects, and a barrier to social advancement and development. In the Colombian society, the main aggressor of women has been their intimate partner or expartner –IPV-. This study is contextualized in the city of Bogotá-Colombia and takes as the object of study the GBV by a heterosexual couple. It broadens the gaze to include as aggressors the boyfriend, ex-boyfriend, partner, ex-partner, husband or ex-husband; and assigns the same weight to any manifestation of violence reported by the woman. It incorporates, for the first time, the social support -SS- from a structural, functional and contextual perspective- as a dependent variable status to analyze the IPV responding to the suggestions of other researchers to give to this theory a greater protagonist in social research...
Gender based violence -GBV-is a serious violation of women's human rights, a health problem with significant individual, social and economic effects, and a barrier to social advancement and development. In the Colombian society, the main aggressor of women has been their intimate partner or expartner –IPV-. This study is contextualized in the city of Bogotá-Colombia and takes as the object of study the GBV by a heterosexual couple. It broadens the gaze to include as aggressors the boyfriend, ex-boyfriend, partner, ex-partner, husband or ex-husband; and assigns the same weight to any manifestation of violence reported by the woman. It incorporates, for the first time, the social support -SS- from a structural, functional and contextual perspective- as a dependent variable status to analyze the IPV responding to the suggestions of other researchers to give to this theory a greater protagonist in social research...
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Trabajo Social, Departamento de Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales, leída el 09-10-2020