A broad perspective to particle-laden fluid interfaces systems: from chemically homogeneous particles to active colloids

Particles adsorbed to fluid interfaces are ubiquitous in industry, nature or life. The wide range of properties arising from the assembly of particles at fluid interface has stimulated an intense research activity on shed light to the most fundamental physico-chemical aspects of these systems. These include the mechanisms driving the equilibration of the interfacial layers, trapping energy, specific inter-particle interactions and the response of the particle-laden interface to mechanical perturbations and flows. The understanding of the physico-chemistry of particle-laden interfaces becomes essential for taking advantage of the particle capacity to stabilize interfaces for the preparation of different dispersed systems (emulsions, foams or colloidosomes) and the fabrication of new reconfigurable interface-dominated devices. This review presents a detailed overview of the physico-chemical aspects that determine the behavior of particles trapped at fluid interfaces. This has been combined with some examples of real and potential applications of these systems in technological and industrial fields. It is expected that this information can provide a general perspective of the topic that can be exploited for researchers and technologist non-specialized in the study of particle-laden interfaces, or for experienced researcher seeking new questions to solve.
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
CRUE-CSIC (Acuerdos Transformativos 2022)
Unesco subjects