Diseño del futuro. Configurar el pensamiento del diseñador a nuevas realidades
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Las labores del diseñador en el futuro se proyectan con una visión exploratoria del mundo, con la habilidad de cuestionar, dialogar, influenciar, reflexionar y plantear estrategias que generen y desarrollen cambios transversales con diversos agentes del entorno social, cultural, productivo y científico, donde las disciplinas coexisten y se reúnen para generar resultados originales y disruptivos. El diseñador del futuro debe implementar innovadores elementos de comunicación, de experiencias, deservicios, de productos, en ambientes sostenibles para mejorar la calidad de vida delas personas y con el medio ambiente. El concepto del diseño es, se debe transformaren el diseño hace, como motor central para generar ideas, incorporando todas las herramientas posibles y resolver problemas en anticipados escenarios posibles delas nuevas realidades. Deberá posicionarse como gestor del conocimiento propio y de otras disciplinas de manera resolutiva y proporcionar experiencias interactivas. Transformar el diseño del mañana, desde el pensamiento, es todo un reto a superar para el diseñador hoy...
The designer's work in the future is projected with an exploratory vision of the world, with the ability to question, dialogue, influence, reflect and propose strategies that generate and develop transversal changes with various agents of the social, cultural, productive and scientific environment, where disciplines coexist and come together to generate original and disruptive results. The designer of the future must implement innovative elements of communication, experiences, services, products, in sustainable environments, to improve the quality of life of people and the environment. The concept of design is, must be transformed into the design does, as a central engine to generate ideas, incorporating all possible tools and solve problems in anticipated possible scenarios of new realities. It should position itself as a manager of its own knowledge and that of other disciplines in a resolute manner and provide interactive experiences. Transforming the design of tomorrow, from thought, is a challenge to overcome for the designer today...
The designer's work in the future is projected with an exploratory vision of the world, with the ability to question, dialogue, influence, reflect and propose strategies that generate and develop transversal changes with various agents of the social, cultural, productive and scientific environment, where disciplines coexist and come together to generate original and disruptive results. The designer of the future must implement innovative elements of communication, experiences, services, products, in sustainable environments, to improve the quality of life of people and the environment. The concept of design is, must be transformed into the design does, as a central engine to generate ideas, incorporating all possible tools and solve problems in anticipated possible scenarios of new realities. It should position itself as a manager of its own knowledge and that of other disciplines in a resolute manner and provide interactive experiences. Transforming the design of tomorrow, from thought, is a challenge to overcome for the designer today...
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Bellas Artes, leída el 17-10-2024