Análisis de la jurisprudencia sobre las aprehensiones de cannabis en materia penal: el problema de su prueba
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La redacción del artículo 368 del Código Penal no es clara ni taxativa y se debe apoyar en los convenios internacionales de fiscalización de drogas. De ahí que hayan existido controversias doctrinales y jurisprudenciales en cuanto a la interpretación de estos cuerpos legislativos. Esto ha propiciado situaciones injustas y desigualdad en la aplicación de la ley. En el presente trabajo se ha realizado un análisis pormenorizado de los distintos instrumentos normativos y regulatorios relacionados con la fiscalización internacional del cannabis, exponiéndose cómo se está interpretando esta problemática actualmente por los Juzgados y Tribunales, y cómo estos han aplicado soluciones que no en todos los casos pueden considerarse estrictamente ajustadas a Derecho.
The wording of article 368 of the Penal Code is not clear or exhaustive and must be based on international drug control conventions. Hence, there have been doctrinal and jurisprudential controversies regarding the interpretation of these set of laws. This has led to unfair and disproportionate situations, interpretations of the norm against defendants and inequality in the application of the law. In the present study, we shall conduct a detailed analysis of the different normative and regulatory instruments related to the international control of cannabis; exposing how this problem is currently being interpreted by the Courts and Tribunals, and how, in some cases, they have applied solutions that are not considered strictly in accordance with the Law.
The wording of article 368 of the Penal Code is not clear or exhaustive and must be based on international drug control conventions. Hence, there have been doctrinal and jurisprudential controversies regarding the interpretation of these set of laws. This has led to unfair and disproportionate situations, interpretations of the norm against defendants and inequality in the application of the law. In the present study, we shall conduct a detailed analysis of the different normative and regulatory instruments related to the international control of cannabis; exposing how this problem is currently being interpreted by the Courts and Tribunals, and how, in some cases, they have applied solutions that are not considered strictly in accordance with the Law.
Tribunal evaluador: Manuel Ollé Sesé, Francisco Javier Paíno Rodríguez, Antonio Villaluenga Ahijado
Calificación: 9’5 (MH)