Los Retos de la Desigualdad: Medidas y Perspectivas para la Economía Internacional y el Desarrollo
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Novales Cinca, A. 2024, The Challenges of Inequality: Measures and Perspectives for International Economics and Development.
La desigualdad es un reto global, que debilita la cohesión social, hace más vulnerables a las economías y a las personas que viven en entornos más desfavorecidos. La desigualdad es, además, síntoma y preludio de otros males; dificulta el crecimiento económico y limita las posibilidades que éste tiene para mejorar la vida de las personas. Este trabajo intenta ser una revisión actualizada de los principales aspectos relacionados con el estudio de la desigualdad, dirigida a quienes comienzan su andadura en el estudio de una cuestión tan importante.
Comenzamos revisando los diversos tipos de desigualdad y sus medidas, examinando su situación actual. Se analizan las razones por las que debe preocuparnos la desigualdad, distinguiendo entre razones económicas, y razones de justicia social. Tras examinar la evidencia disponible acerca de las posibles causas de desigualdad, se describen las distintas actuaciones que pueden conducir a su reducción, prestando atención a la diferencia entre pre-distribución y
redistribución, pues ambas deben considerarse importantes. El trabajo finaliza con algunas consideraciones acerca de las dificultades que presenta la desigualdad para el desarrollo de un proyecto de vida en común a una sociedad libre.
Inequality is a global challenge that weakens social cohesion and makes economies and people living in disadvantaged environments more vulnerable. Inequality is also a symptom and prelude to other ills; it hinders economic growth and limits the possibilities that economic growth has to improve people's lives. This work attempts to be an updated review of the main aspects related to the study of inequality, aimed at those who are beginning their journey in the study of such an important issue. We begin by reviewing the various types of inequality and their measures, examining their current situation. The reasons why we should be concerned about inequality are analyzed, distinguishing between economic reasons and reasons of social justice. After examining the available evidence about the possible causes of inequality, the different actions that can lead to its reduction are described, paying attention to the difference between pre-distribution and redistribution, since both must be considered important. The paper concludes with some considerations about the difficulties that inequality presents for the development of a common life project in a free society.
Inequality is a global challenge that weakens social cohesion and makes economies and people living in disadvantaged environments more vulnerable. Inequality is also a symptom and prelude to other ills; it hinders economic growth and limits the possibilities that economic growth has to improve people's lives. This work attempts to be an updated review of the main aspects related to the study of inequality, aimed at those who are beginning their journey in the study of such an important issue. We begin by reviewing the various types of inequality and their measures, examining their current situation. The reasons why we should be concerned about inequality are analyzed, distinguishing between economic reasons and reasons of social justice. After examining the available evidence about the possible causes of inequality, the different actions that can lead to its reduction are described, paying attention to the difference between pre-distribution and redistribution, since both must be considered important. The paper concludes with some considerations about the difficulties that inequality presents for the development of a common life project in a free society.