The problem of the optimal biobjective spanning tree

dc.contributor.authorRamos Domínguez, Rosa María
dc.contributor.authorAlonso, S.
dc.contributor.authorSicilia, J.
dc.contributor.authorGonzález, C.
dc.description.abstractThis paper studies the problem of finding the set of optimal spanning trees of a connected graph, considering two cost functions defined on the set of edges. This problem is NP-hard and the solution is described through an algorithm that builds the family of efficient trees. This algorithm needs two procedures that solve the following uniobjective problems: the construction of all the spanning trees of a connected graph and the construction of the whole set of minimum cost spanning trees. The computational results obtained are shown in Section 5. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
dc.description.departmentDepto. de Estadística e Investigación Operativa
dc.description.facultyFac. de Ciencias Matemáticas
dc.description.sponsorshipDireccion General de Universidades e Investigación del Gobierno de Canarias.
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dc.journal.titleEuropean journal of operational research
dc.publisherElsevier Science
dc.relation.projectIDproject number 93/108
dc.rights.accessRightsrestricted access
dc.subject.keywordMulti-criteria analysis
dc.subject.keywordSpanning tree
dc.subject.keywordMinimum cost spanning tree
dc.subject.keywordBiobjective optimal cost spanning tree
dc.subject.ucmInvestigación operativa (Matemáticas)
dc.subject.unesco1207 Investigación Operativa
dc.titleThe problem of the optimal biobjective spanning tree
dc.typejournal article
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