Poética del bien y del mal. La narrativa de Álvaro Pombo
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
El tema del mal es sin duda alguna uno de los problemas que más ha ocupado y preocupado al hombre de todos los tiempos y en todos ellos. En consecuencia se ha convertido en un problema para la filosofía, psicología, teología y literatura. ¿Cuál es su naturaleza? En el ámbito de las Ciencias, en concreto, en la psicología y la psiquiatría, muchos investigadores clínicos se preguntan qué hay en determinadas personas para pensar si su comportamiento responde a una perturbación o son malvadas. Su crueldad desafía toda explicación psicológica. En el fondo, en el corazón humano hay cierta propensión al mal. Así lo entiende el profesor R. I. Simón, profesor de la Universidad de Georgetow (Begley, 2001). Si las neurociencias nos aportan tal visión del hombre, por su parte, la filosofía y la teología ven al ser humano como un ser incompleto. Un ser con “una de las tantas aristas que ofrece este complejo fenómeno” (Maya, 2006). Oportunamente, San Pablo ya lo advierte en la carta a los Romanos: “De hecho no hago el bien que quiero, sino que obro el mal que no quiero” (Rom 7,19). Por tanto, definir el mal resulta complejo. Un intento de aproximación a la reflexión sobre él resulta más llevadero. Este es el objetivo de esta investigación a través de la narrativa: novela y cuentos, de Pombo. Pombo no se propone expresamente, a través de sus novelas y cuentos, plantear una metafísica del mal a la manera de San Agustín, Stº Tomás, etc. No se pregunta por su naturaleza. Sí lo hace a través del lenguaje y por medio de sus personajes. Formas de ser del ser. Tampoco deja de lado la simbología del mal: la culpa, el pecado y toda su simbología. Hace, a su manera, una hermenéutica de los símbolos. El mal ha sido siempre, para el hombre de todos los tiempos, uno de los más desconcertantes problemas humano. Ya Ricoeur lo sitúa como uno de los problemas tan antiguo como el más antiguo de los seres. Por esta razón los estudios multidisciplinares hoy son abundantes. Consciente de esas contribuciones previas, este trabajo, investigación, pretende contribuir al estudio desde hoy del problema del mal en el mundo, en el hombre, desde la vertiente de un novelista, filósofo y poeta: Álvaro Pombo...
The issue of evil is with no doubt one of the problems which has occupied and worried humankind of all times and at all times. In consequence it has become an issue for philosophy, psychology, theology and literature. What is its nature? In the ambit of science, in concrete, in psychology and in psychiatry, many clinic investigators wonder what is there in certain people to think wether their behaviour responds to a perturbation or to evil. That’s how professor R.I Simón (professor in Georgetown University) understands this (Begley, 2001). On one hand, neuroscience provides us with this view of mankind, but on the other hand, philosophy and theology see humankind as an incomplete being. An entity with “one of so many sides which this complex phenomenon offers” (Maya, 2006). Opportunely, Saint Paul already warns about this in his letter to the Romans: “For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do – this I keep on doing” (Rom 7, 19). Therefore, defining evil proves complex. An attempt to proximity, to reflection on it results more bearable. This is the aim of this investigation throughout narration: Pombo’s novels and stories. Pombo does not explicitly intend to state a metaphysic of evil in the Saint Agustin or Saint Thomas method through his novels. He does not question its nature but he does so through language and his characters. Ways of being of self being. He does not either leave aside the symbology. He does an hermeneutic of symbols on his own way. Evil has always been one of the most bewildering human issues for the mankind of all times. Ricoeur already places it as one of the existence oldest problems. For this reason multidisciplinary studies are abundant today. Being aware of these previous contributions, this piece of work and investigation pretends contributing from now to the study of the issue of evil in the world, in mankind, from a novelist, philosopher and poet point of view, which is Alvaro Pombo...
The issue of evil is with no doubt one of the problems which has occupied and worried humankind of all times and at all times. In consequence it has become an issue for philosophy, psychology, theology and literature. What is its nature? In the ambit of science, in concrete, in psychology and in psychiatry, many clinic investigators wonder what is there in certain people to think wether their behaviour responds to a perturbation or to evil. That’s how professor R.I Simón (professor in Georgetown University) understands this (Begley, 2001). On one hand, neuroscience provides us with this view of mankind, but on the other hand, philosophy and theology see humankind as an incomplete being. An entity with “one of so many sides which this complex phenomenon offers” (Maya, 2006). Opportunely, Saint Paul already warns about this in his letter to the Romans: “For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do – this I keep on doing” (Rom 7, 19). Therefore, defining evil proves complex. An attempt to proximity, to reflection on it results more bearable. This is the aim of this investigation throughout narration: Pombo’s novels and stories. Pombo does not explicitly intend to state a metaphysic of evil in the Saint Agustin or Saint Thomas method through his novels. He does not question its nature but he does so through language and his characters. Ways of being of self being. He does not either leave aside the symbology. He does an hermeneutic of symbols on his own way. Evil has always been one of the most bewildering human issues for the mankind of all times. Ricoeur already places it as one of the existence oldest problems. For this reason multidisciplinary studies are abundant today. Being aware of these previous contributions, this piece of work and investigation pretends contributing from now to the study of the issue of evil in the world, in mankind, from a novelist, philosopher and poet point of view, which is Alvaro Pombo...
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Filología, leída el 11/01/2016