Locality estimates for complex time evolution in 1D

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It is a generalized belief that there are no thermal phase transitions in short range 1D quantum systems. However, the only known case for which this is rigorously proven is for the particular case of finite range translational invariant interactions. The proof was obtained by Araki in his seminal paper of 1969 as a consequence of pioneering locality estimates for the time-evolution operator that allowed him to prove its analiticity on the whole complex plane, when applied to a local observable. However, as for now there is no mathematical proof of the abscence of 1D thermal phase transitions if one allows exponential tails in the interactions. In this work we extend Araki’s result to include exponential (or faster) tails. Our main result is the analyticity of the time-evolution operator applied on a local observable on a suitable strip around the real line. As a consequence we obtain that thermal states in 1D exhibit exponential decay of correlations above a threshold temperature that decays to zero with the exponent of the interaction decay, recovering Araki’s result as a particular case. Our result however still leaves open the possibility of 1D thermal short range phase transitions. We conclude with an application of our result to the spectral gap problem for Projected Entangled Pair States (PEPS) on 2D lattices, via the holographic duality due to Cirac et al.
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