Evidence for vortex tunnel dissipation in deoxygenated YBa_(2)Cu_(3)O_(6.4) thin films

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Sefrioui, Zouhair
Arias Serna, Diego
Morales, F.
Varela del Arco, María
Escudero, R.
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American Physical Society
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We report on transport and magnetic relaxation measurements of deoxygenated YBa_(2)Cu_(3)O_(7-δ) thin films. Strongly oxygen depleted samples with δ=0.6 are produced to ensure the pure two-dimensional nature of the vortex system. Linear resistivity shows a temperature dependence according to ρ_(lin^(α))exp[-((T_(0)/T)^(p)]. T_(0) takes a value of 230±10 K over the whole field range, and p changes from 1±0.03 at 2 T to 0.70±0.03 at 8 T. For fields higher than 4 T, dissipation in the linear regime (low current densities) is dominated by quantum variable range hopping ~VRH! of vortices. At high current densities and low temperatures, nonlinear dissipation takes place by quantum creep, characterized by a temperature-independent resistivity and by a saturation of the magnetic relaxation rate.
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© 2001 The American Physical Society. Z.S. gratefully acknowledges financial support from Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional (AECI). Financial support from CICYT Grant Nos. MAT94-0604, MAT97-0675, and MAT99-1706E is also acknowledged. F.M. and R.E. acknowledge financial support from DGSCAUNAM and CONACyT- MEXICO.
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