Dibujar la frontera. Estudio de caso del reconocimiento transversal de las prácticas artísticas visuales en la zona de frontera Colombo-Ecuatoriana
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
El proyecto busca reconocer en el sentido de volver a identificar concepciones y relaciones sobre las prácticas artísticas plásticas y visuales en la zona de frontera entre Colombia y Ecuador, a partir de tres exploraciones de carácter investigativo artístico, en un proceso iniciado en el año 2018 y cuya realización principal se dio en los años 2021, 2022 y 2023. Las tres exploraciones, el recorrer virtualmente la línea fronteriza, el recorrerla físicamente y la realización de entrevistas a artistas pertenecientes a ella, se desenvuelven y complementan a modo de narraciones personales que constituyen y dan a conocer una realidad liminal de las artes plásticas y visuales en la frontera colombo ecuatoriana, una realidad existente entre su representación, su experiencia directa y su significado; recordándonos la obra Una y tres sillas de Joseph Kosuth de 1965, obra vislumbrada en un momento del proyecto, como marco de comprensión implícito asumido por el autor...
This project seeks to recognize, in the sense of reidentifying, concepts, and relations about visual and plastic artistic practices in an area between the Colombia and Ecuador border based on three explorations of an investigatory and artistic nature in a process that started in 2018 and was realized mainly in 2021, 2022 and 2023. The three explorations are: looking over the border line virtually, going through it physically, and conducting interviews with borderline artists to develop and complement personal narratives that constitute and make a liminal reality of plastic and visual arts public along the Colombia-Ecuador border. That is an existent reality among its representation, its direct experience, and its meaning, which reminds us of the work One and Three Chairs by Joseph Kosuth (1965). This work is seen as an implicit comprehension framework during this project...
This project seeks to recognize, in the sense of reidentifying, concepts, and relations about visual and plastic artistic practices in an area between the Colombia and Ecuador border based on three explorations of an investigatory and artistic nature in a process that started in 2018 and was realized mainly in 2021, 2022 and 2023. The three explorations are: looking over the border line virtually, going through it physically, and conducting interviews with borderline artists to develop and complement personal narratives that constitute and make a liminal reality of plastic and visual arts public along the Colombia-Ecuador border. That is an existent reality among its representation, its direct experience, and its meaning, which reminds us of the work One and Three Chairs by Joseph Kosuth (1965). This work is seen as an implicit comprehension framework during this project...
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Bellas Artes, leída el 27-09-2024