Discovery of an emitting ring in the seyfert 1 galaxy UCM 2329+2500

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Rego Fernández, Manuel
Vitores, A. G.
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We analyze a rather interesting galaxy discovered during the UCM survey for new Hα emission-line galaxies. The new galaxy UCM 2329+2500 presents a compact core that hosts a Seyfert 1 nucleus. The spectrum of the Seyfert nucleus presents broad components (FWHM=8000 km s^-1) and asymmetric profiles at the Balmer lines showing a secondary peak more apparent on the Hβ line and also observed in the Hα deblended line. Only traces of profile variability have been detected during spectroscopic observations at four different dates spanning 29 months. Eight kpc away from the nucleus, a ring-like structure that surrounds the core is observed. A long slit spectrum at PA 45° has revealed emission lines coming from both sides of the ring. The emission detected is prominent at a condensation observed on the red image. Star formation is the most plausible explanation. A high obscuration is also observed. All this information is coherent with a galactic encounter scenario.
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© European Southern Observatory. This work was supported in part by the Spanish "Programa Sectorial de Promoción General del Conocimiento" un­der grant PB89 124. Based on observations collected at the German Spanish Astronomical Center, Calar Alto, Spain and at the Spanish Observatorio del Roque de Los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, La Palma, Spain.
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