Otra manera de enseñar la dictadura franquista: salida didáctica y aprendizaje basado en proyectos
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El presente Trabajo de Fin de Máster es el resultado de la puesta en práctica de dos metodologías constructivistas distintas a las empleadas en la enseñanza tradicional de la asignatura de Geografía e Historia, como son la salida didáctica y el Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABP). Esta propuesta de innovación docente fue impartida en 4º de E.S.O, curso donde se imparte la Unidad Didáctica dedicada al franquismo, durante mi periodo de prácticas del Máster de Formación de Profesorado. Por su naturaleza, se enmarca dentro del tema “Diseño y elaboración de actividades para la construcción de competencias específicas por los estudiantes”. Por un lado, la salida didáctica se ha planteado específicamente para el IES Blas de Otero, ubicado cerca de Carabanchel, consistente en un itinerario que permite visitar la antigua cárcel de Carabanchel, así como al barrio homónimo. Por otra parte, el ABP ha consistido en la elaboración de una serie de cartulinas trabajando los alumnos por grupos, y tratando de reflejar en las mismas una serie de cuestiones fundamentales de la etapa franquista, como las relaciones con Estados Unidos, entre otras, consiguiendo con el conjunto total una imagen general, simplificada y transversal de la dictadura, que permita a los alumnos una comprensión cercana de dicha etapa histórica. En suma, el uso de ambas metodologías pretende aproximar al alumnado al conocimiento histórico desde una perspectiva novedosa y diferente, fomentando con ello su interés por la asignatura así como la innovación docente.
This Master's thesis is the result of the implementation of two constructivist methodologies that differ from those used in the traditional teaching on the subject of Geography and History, such as the field trip and Project Based Learning (PBL). This teaching innovation proposal was taught in the 4th grade of E.S.O., the year in which the teaching unit dedicated to Francoism is taught, during my work experience period on the Master's Degree in Teacher Formation. Due to its nature, it is part of the topic "Design and development of activities for the construction of specific competences by students". On one hand, the field trip was specifically designed for IES Blas de Otero, which is located near Carabanchel, and consisted of an excursion to the former prison of Carabanchel, as well as to the neighbourhood of the same name. On the other hand, the PBL involved making a series of cardboards with the pupils working in teams, to reflect on a series of fundamental issues of the Franco era, such as relations with the United States, among others; achieving a general, simplified and transversal vision of the dictatorship that allows the students to gain a closer understanding of this historical period. To sum up, the use of both methodologies ultimately aims to bring students closer to historical knowledge from a new and different perspective, thereby encouraging their interest in the subject as well as promoting teaching innovation.
This Master's thesis is the result of the implementation of two constructivist methodologies that differ from those used in the traditional teaching on the subject of Geography and History, such as the field trip and Project Based Learning (PBL). This teaching innovation proposal was taught in the 4th grade of E.S.O., the year in which the teaching unit dedicated to Francoism is taught, during my work experience period on the Master's Degree in Teacher Formation. Due to its nature, it is part of the topic "Design and development of activities for the construction of specific competences by students". On one hand, the field trip was specifically designed for IES Blas de Otero, which is located near Carabanchel, and consisted of an excursion to the former prison of Carabanchel, as well as to the neighbourhood of the same name. On the other hand, the PBL involved making a series of cardboards with the pupils working in teams, to reflect on a series of fundamental issues of the Franco era, such as relations with the United States, among others; achieving a general, simplified and transversal vision of the dictatorship that allows the students to gain a closer understanding of this historical period. To sum up, the use of both methodologies ultimately aims to bring students closer to historical knowledge from a new and different perspective, thereby encouraging their interest in the subject as well as promoting teaching innovation.