Casimir forces in granular and other non equilibrium systems

dc.contributor.authorBrito, Ricardo
dc.contributor.authorSoto, R.
dc.description© Springer-Verlag 2007. The authors want to thank C. Cattuto for performing the computer simulations in the granular case. R.B. is supported by the Projects MOSAICO, FIS2004-271 and and UCM PR27/05- 13923-BSCH. U.M.B.M. acknowledges a grant COFIN-MIUR 2005, 2005027808. R.S. is supported by Fondecyt research grants 1030993 and 1061112 and Fondap grant 11980002.
dc.description.abstractIn this paper we present a method to calculate Casimir Forces for non equilibrium systems with long range correlations. The origin of the force are the fluctuating fields, and the modification that the external, macroscopic objects induce in the spectrum of the fluctuations. The method is first illustrated with a simple model: a reaction-diffusion non-equilibrium system with an structure factor that possesses a characteristic length. The second part of the paper deals with a granular fluid where correlations are long ranged at all scales. In the first case the hydrodynamic fluctuations are confined by two plates, while in the second one the confinement comes from two immobile large and heavy particles. In both cases Casimir forces are calculated, and their properties analyzed.
dc.description.departmentDepto. de Estructura de la Materia, Física Térmica y Electrónica
dc.description.facultyFac. de Ciencias Físicas
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dc.journal.titleGranular Matter
dc.relation.projectIDUCM PR27/05-13923-BSCH
dc.relation.projectIDCOFIN-MIUR 2005
dc.rights.accessRightsrestricted access
dc.subject.keywordNon-Equilibrium Systems
dc.subject.keywordLong Range Correlations
dc.subject.keywordCasimir forces
dc.subject.keywordGranular Matter
dc.subject.keywordSpatial Correlations
dc.subject.unesco2213 Termodinámica
dc.titleCasimir forces in granular and other non equilibrium systems
dc.typejournal article
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