Revisión de la evolución y tendencias del nivel del mar en los mareógrafosdel Instituto Español de Oceanografía
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El nivel del mar es la altura de la superficie del océano en relación a un nivel de referencia, y es la suma de distintas contribuciones como las mareas, modificación del tamaño de las cuencas deshielo de glaciares, entre otros. Su estudio siempre ha sido de gran interés para la navegación, pero en los últimos tiempos interesa saber cómo varía por los efectos que puede tener sobre el planeta y las poblaciones costeras. El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar el nivel del mar a través de datos de mareógrafos del Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO-CSIC) en la costa Atlántica y Estrecho de Gibraltar durante el periodo 1942 - 2023. Se ha utilizado un ajuste matemático lineal para calcular la tendencia de aumento del nivel del mar y un ajuste matemático cuadrático para el cálculo de su aceleración, así como dos ajustes más eliminando el ciclo anual y semianual. Por último, se ha estudiado el constituyente de marea M2 utilizando el modelo de estudio T_Tide Harmonic Analysis Toolbox. Los resultados obtenidos confirman el aumento del nivel del mar en todas las estaciones, aunque que la tendencia es menor en el Estrecho pudiendo tener una relación con la Oscilación del Atlántico Norte (NAO) o con los intercambios de agua entre el Mediterráneo y el Atlántico. Se pone de manifiesto también la importancia del registro histórico continuado de datos para poder realizar estudios de largo periodo.
Sea level is the height of the ocean surface in relation to a reference level, and is the sum of different contributions such as tides, changes in the size of basins or glacier melt, among others Its study has always been of great interest for navigation, but in recent times it has been of interest to know how it varies due to the effects it can have on the planet and coastal populations The aim of this work is to study sea level using data from tide gauges of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO-CSIC) on the Atlantic coast and Strait of Gibraltar during the period 1942 - 2023. A linear mathematical adjustment has been used to calculate the sea level rise trend and a quadratic mathematical adjustment to calculate its acceleration, as well as two further adjustments eliminating the annual and semi-annual cycle. Finally, the M2 tidal constituent has been studied using the T_Tide Harmonic Analysis Toolbox study model. The results obtained confirm the increase in sea level in all seasons, although the trend is lower in the Strait o Gibraltar, which may be related to the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) or to water exchanges between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic. It also highlights the importance of a historical and continuous record of data in order to carry out long-term studies.
Sea level is the height of the ocean surface in relation to a reference level, and is the sum of different contributions such as tides, changes in the size of basins or glacier melt, among others Its study has always been of great interest for navigation, but in recent times it has been of interest to know how it varies due to the effects it can have on the planet and coastal populations The aim of this work is to study sea level using data from tide gauges of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO-CSIC) on the Atlantic coast and Strait of Gibraltar during the period 1942 - 2023. A linear mathematical adjustment has been used to calculate the sea level rise trend and a quadratic mathematical adjustment to calculate its acceleration, as well as two further adjustments eliminating the annual and semi-annual cycle. Finally, the M2 tidal constituent has been studied using the T_Tide Harmonic Analysis Toolbox study model. The results obtained confirm the increase in sea level in all seasons, although the trend is lower in the Strait o Gibraltar, which may be related to the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) or to water exchanges between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic. It also highlights the importance of a historical and continuous record of data in order to carry out long-term studies.
Coordinador del Máster: Ledo Fernández, Juan José