A hyperactive geomagnetic field in the Late Visean (Early Carboniferous) from the Late Asbian stratotype section in Northwest England, UK

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The pattern of geomagnetic polarity changes during the Early Carboniferous (Mississippian) is not known in detail. This information sparsity is addressed by determining a magnetostratigraphy from the late Asbian (late Visean at ∼333 Ma) in Trowbarrow Quarry, UK. This is the stratotype section of the late Asbian and has a detailed foraminiferal zonation based on the same set of paleomagnetic samples, establishing a detailed biostratigraphy. The 195 m-thick section was sampled at an average spacing of 1.1 m, yielding a detailed magnetostratigraphy comprising nine major magnetozone couplets, and seven submagnetozones. The section dataset has a 78% bias to normal polarity determined from 177 sampling levels. The magnetization is carried by a mixture of hematite and detrital magnetite, with 68% of specimens dominated by hematite magnetizations. The primary magnetization passes a fold test showing its age was prior to the latest Carboniferous. The hematite is inferred to be largely of detrital, eolian origin, although some reddened levels are associated with emergent surfaces, suggesting that a small fraction of hematite is associated with platform emergence. The Mississippian age magnetization is partly overprinted with Kiaman Superchron-age and Brunhes-age magnetizations. Using the duration of the section based on astrochronology indicates a reversal frequency of 15.7 ± 0.75 Myr−1, indicating that the geodynamo was in a hyperactive reversing state between 335 and 333 Ma.
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