El carácter sagrado de la doctrina de Confucio
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Los estudios sobre si el confucianismo es realmente una religión nunca han cesado. La controversia o debate tan conocido y comentado en China sobre si el confucianismo es o no una religión está más sujeto a aspectos sociopolíticos que aspectos de índole religioso. Como dice Anna Sun, nunca son desacuerdos puramente intelectuales o académicos, siempre hay problemas políticos complejos (Sun, 2013: 2). Son, como apunta Yong Chen, preocupaciones sociopolíticas, culturales y morales de los intelectuales chinos (Chen, 2012: 192). Investigaciones a través de fuentes con muy dispar cronología, van poco a poco esclareciendo el dilema que hay en torno a la religiosidad o no del confucianismo y al carácter sagrado o no de la doctrina de Confucio. Hoy día hay países dónde se adora y venera la estatua de Confucio. Pero, ¿y en su origen? ¿Tenía la doctrina de Confucio elementos sagrados?...
The studies about whether the Confucianism is a truly religion have never ceased. The well-known controversy or debate widely discussed in China about whether the Confucianism is a religion or not is more subject to sociopolitical aspects rather than to religious aspects. As Anna Sun says, the disagreements are never purely intellectual or academic there is always complex political problems (Sun, 2013: 2). They are, as Yong Chen points out, sociopolitical, cultural and moral concerns of Chinese intellectuals (Chen, 2012: 192). Research through sources with a very unalike chronology, it is gradually clarifying the dilemma about religiousness or not of the Confucianism, and the sacred character or not of its doctrine. Nowadays there are countries where the Confucius’s statue is adored and venerated. However, what about its origins? Did Confucius’ doctrine have sacred elements?...
The studies about whether the Confucianism is a truly religion have never ceased. The well-known controversy or debate widely discussed in China about whether the Confucianism is a religion or not is more subject to sociopolitical aspects rather than to religious aspects. As Anna Sun says, the disagreements are never purely intellectual or academic there is always complex political problems (Sun, 2013: 2). They are, as Yong Chen points out, sociopolitical, cultural and moral concerns of Chinese intellectuals (Chen, 2012: 192). Research through sources with a very unalike chronology, it is gradually clarifying the dilemma about religiousness or not of the Confucianism, and the sacred character or not of its doctrine. Nowadays there are countries where the Confucius’s statue is adored and venerated. However, what about its origins? Did Confucius’ doctrine have sacred elements?...
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Filología, leída el 29-11-2019