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Data: Flash plasma electrolytic oxidation and electrochemical behaviour in physiological media of additive manufacturing Ti6Al4V alloy

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The objective of this work is to understand the plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) treatment and electrochemical behaviour of a Ti6Al4V alloy manufactured by a laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing (AM) technique known as direct metal laser sintering (DMLS). Ca and P-containing coatings were produced with short time (<120 s) PEO treatments (also termed as Flash-PEO) obtaining 3–10 μm-thick coatings on both the AM alloy and a conventional counterpart. Subsequently, the electrochemical behaviour of the bare and treated alloys was assessed in a modified α-MEM solution via potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The fine α-lamellar microstructure of the AM alloy with small β-phase particles at the interlamellar spaces was seen to advance the onset of sparking promoting faster growth of PEO coating in comparison to the conventional alloy. Flash-PEO coatings enhanced the corrosion protection of both conventional and AM alloys, the thinnest (<3 μm) coatings providing up to three times greater protection. AM Ti6Al4V was found to be susceptible to localized crevice corrosion which could be assigned to the high grain boundary density. Flash-PEO treatments, even as short as 35 s, were sufficient to successfully prevent it.

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Data for paper entitled, "Flash plasma electrolytic oxidation and electrochemical behaviour in physiological media of additive manufacturing Ti6Al4V alloy" including: - Processed Data: voltage-current curves for Flash-PEO treatments of Ti6Al4V alloys (wrought and additively manufactured), X-ray diffraction patterns of Ti6Al4V alloy with short and long Flash-PEO treatments. Open circuit potential values, polarization curves and EIS measurements as a function of alloy and surface treatment. - Processed Images: SEM of Ti6Al4V alloys (wrought and additively manufactured), Schematic representation of the printing strategy, optical profilometer images of crevice corrosion. - Tables (processed data)

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