Non-dipole and regional effects on the geomagnetic dipole moment estimation

dc.contributor.authorArquero Campuzano, Saioa
dc.contributor.authorPavón Carrasco, Francisco Javier
dc.contributor.authorOsete López, María Luisa
dc.description© Springer International Publishing AG, Part of Springer Science + Business Media. The authors are grateful to the Spanish research project CGL2011-24790 of the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad and the FPI grant BES-2012-052991, which has allowed to the author S.A. Campuzano a stay for 3 months at INGV in Rome. All algorithms have been developed in Matlab (R) codec (Matlab 7.11.0, R2010b) along with the figures. The authors also thank two anonymous reviewers for the constructive comments and suggestions which have helped to improve substantially this manuscript.
dc.description.abstractThe study of the temporal evolution of the dipole moment variations is a forefront research topic in Earth sciences. It constrains geodynamo simulations and is used to correct cosmogenic isotope production, which is evidence of past solar activity, and it is used to study possible correlations between the geomagnetic field and the climate. In this work, we have analysed the main error sources in the geomagnetic dipole moment computation from palaeomagnetic data: the influence of the non-dipole terms in the average approach, the inhomogeneous distribution of the current palaeomagnetic database, and the averaging procedure used to obtain the evolution of the dipole moment. To evaluate and quantify these effects, we have used synthetic data from a global model based on instrumental and satellite data, the International Geomagnetic Reference Field: 11th generation. Results indicate that the non-dipole terms contribute on a global scale of < 6 % in the averaged dipole moment, whereas the regional non-dipole contribution can show deviations of up to 35 % in some regions such as Oceania, and different temporal trends with respect to the global dipole moment evolution in other ones, such as Europe and Asia. A regional weighting scheme seems the best option to mitigate these effects in the dipole moment average approach. But when directional and intensity palaeomagnetic information is available on a global scale, and in spite of the inhomogeneity of the database, global modelling presents more reliable values of the geomagnetic dipole moment.
dc.description.departmentDepto. de Física de la Tierra y Astrofísica
dc.description.facultyFac. de Ciencias Físicas
dc.description.sponsorshipMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO), España
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dc.journal.titlePure and Applied Geophys
dc.relation.projectIDFPI BES-2012-052991
dc.rights.accessRightsopen access
dc.subject.keywordEarths magnetic-field
dc.subject.keywordCore-mantle boundary
dc.subject.keywordHistorical records
dc.subject.keywordSecular variation
dc.subject.keyword4 centuries
dc.subject.ucmMeteorología (Física)
dc.subject.unesco2507 Geofísica
dc.titleNon-dipole and regional effects on the geomagnetic dipole moment estimation
dc.typejournal article
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