Geometric form of volcanoes with a limited based

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Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
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Many volcanic constructs have geometric different shapes depending on different phenomena as parasitic cones, erosion or coral growth. In Lacey, Ockendon and Turcotte [11] the authors proposed a nonlinear model proving that the shape of volcanoes is determined by the hydraulic resistance to the flow of magma, from a line source, through the porous edifice. This model was later extended in Angevine, Turcotte and Ockendon [2] to include the shape of aseismic, submarine ridges. In this communication we propose a modification of the above mentioned models in order to simulate the more realistic case of volcanoes with a limited base.
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XXI Congreso de Ecuaciones Diferenciales y Aplicaciones XI Congreso de Matematica Aplicada, Ciudad Real, 21-25 septiembre 2009
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