La Pandemia a la luz de Tucídides
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Guillermo Escolar Editor S.L
Sociedad Española de Estudios Clásicos. (2023). Jano: El pasado mira al futuro : actualidad de los clásicos (J. Piquero & J. Quílez Bielsa, Eds.; 1a edición.). Guillermo Escolar Editor : Sociedad Española de Estudios Clásicos.
En estas líneas examinamos la pandemia actual de la COVID-19 a la luz del relato de Tucídides sobre la plaga en Atenas durante la guerra del Peloponeso. Muchos son los elementos coincidentes a partir de los que se puede reflexionar sobre las circunstancias históricas de la plaga en Atenas, pero también sobre la crisis multifacética que la pandemia del coronavirus ha suscitado en las sociedades contemporáneas. En este caso, una fuente clásica, como es Tucídides, sirve de inspiración no solo para la narración historiográfica con tintes trágicos de la situación epidémica que ha sido modelo de múltiples relatos sobre dramas similares en distintas épocas, sino, sobre todo, para tomar conciencia de la importancia de la historia del pasado clásico para pensar el presente actual y las derivas históricas provocadas o suscitadas por la pandemia.
In these lines we examine the current covid-19 pandemic in the light of Thucydides’ account of the plague in Athens during the Peloponnesian War. There are many overlapping elements from which to reflect on the historical circumstances of the plague in Athens, but also on the multifaceted crisis that the coronavirus pandemic has provoked in contemporary societies. In this case, a classical source such as Thucydides serves as inspiration not only for the tragic historiographical narration of the epidemic situation, which has been the model for multiple accounts of similar dramas in different periods, but above all, to raise awareness of the importance of the history of the classical past for thinking about the present and the historical drifts caused or provoked by the pandemic
In these lines we examine the current covid-19 pandemic in the light of Thucydides’ account of the plague in Athens during the Peloponnesian War. There are many overlapping elements from which to reflect on the historical circumstances of the plague in Athens, but also on the multifaceted crisis that the coronavirus pandemic has provoked in contemporary societies. In this case, a classical source such as Thucydides serves as inspiration not only for the tragic historiographical narration of the epidemic situation, which has been the model for multiple accounts of similar dramas in different periods, but above all, to raise awareness of the importance of the history of the classical past for thinking about the present and the historical drifts caused or provoked by the pandemic