Prevalencia de Hipomineralización Incisivo-Molar en una población de niños usuarios del Programa de Salud Bucodental del Servicio Madrileño de Salud. Influencia de factores socioeconómicos y ambientales
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Universidad Complutense Madrid
En las últimas décadas, coincidiendo con la disminución de la incidencia de la enfermedad de la caries dental en la población infanto-juvenil, se ha producido un incremento del diagnóstico de alteraciones del esmalte dental de etiología no infecciosa. Una de las alteraciones que mayor incremento parece estar presentando es la hipomineralización incisivo-molar, más conocida como MIH por sus siglas en inglés(“Molar-Incisor Hypomineralisation”).Se trata de una alteración que sucede durante el proceso de mineralización del esmalte dental de primeros molares y/o incisivos permanentes, caracterizada clínicamente por la afectación de entre uno a cuatro primeros molares permanentes y alguno o ninguno de los incisivos permanentes. Los defectos de esmalte pueden ser de tamaño variable y suelen presentarse como opacidades bien delimitadas, blancas, amarillas o marrones. El esmalte afectado suele ser blando y poroso y puede fracturarse, dejando expuesta la dentina. Desconocemos la cantidad de niños afectados por esta alteración en la Comunidad de Madrid y si pudiera haber algún factor socioeconómico relacionado con la aparición de MIH...
In recent decades, coinciding with the decrease in the incidence of dental caries in the child and adolescent population, there has been an increase in diagnosis of dental enamel alterations of non-infectious aetiology. One of these alterations that appears to be showing the greatest increase is molar-incisor hypomineralisation, better known by its acronym MIH (molar-incisor hypomineralisation). This is a disorder that occurs during the process of enamel mineralization in first permanent molars and/or permanent incisors. Clinically, MIH is characterized by the involvement of one to four first permanent molars and some or none of the permanent incisors. The enamel defects may vary in size. They usually present as well-demarcated white, yellow or brown opacities. The affected enamel is usually soft and porous. It can fracture, exposing the dentin. We do not know the number of children affected by this alteration in the Community of Madrid and whether there could be a socio-economic factor that is related to the occurrence of MIH...
In recent decades, coinciding with the decrease in the incidence of dental caries in the child and adolescent population, there has been an increase in diagnosis of dental enamel alterations of non-infectious aetiology. One of these alterations that appears to be showing the greatest increase is molar-incisor hypomineralisation, better known by its acronym MIH (molar-incisor hypomineralisation). This is a disorder that occurs during the process of enamel mineralization in first permanent molars and/or permanent incisors. Clinically, MIH is characterized by the involvement of one to four first permanent molars and some or none of the permanent incisors. The enamel defects may vary in size. They usually present as well-demarcated white, yellow or brown opacities. The affected enamel is usually soft and porous. It can fracture, exposing the dentin. We do not know the number of children affected by this alteration in the Community of Madrid and whether there could be a socio-economic factor that is related to the occurrence of MIH...
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Odontología, leída el 11/10/2024